请大家帮忙。我手里的prep sc破解版是NN整理过的169题以及151题版本的。但是在论坛上找题目讨论的时候,好像没有对应的题目号指引。请大家帮忙找找。 比如说,我的SC1第一题是
1. (24465-!-item-!-188;#058&000982) 1. (24465-!-item-!-188;#058&000982) To meet the rapidly rising market demand for fish and seafood, suppliers are growing fish twice as fast as their natural growth rate, cutting their feed allotment by nearly half and raising them on special diets.
(A) their natural growth rate, cutting their feed allotment (B) their natural growth rate, their feed allotment cut (C) growing them naturally, cutting their feed allotment (D) they grow naturally, cutting their feed allotment (E) they grow naturally, with their feed allotment cut 我就没有找到大家的讨论。和讨论链接汇总那张帖子里面的第一题也不对应么。搜索了一下,也无果。请大家帮忙。就要考试了,抓狂中,哈哈哈 |