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Ivey School of business
 WESTERN BUSINESS SCHOOL The University of Western Ontario London,Ontario Canada,N6A 3K7 E-mail address:admiss@ivey.uwo.ca Website address:http://www.ivey.uwo.ca
如果你想找一个攻读MBA学位的货真价实的学校,位于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的Western Business School(WBS)会是个不错的选择─—该校可谓真正的物美价廉。从学费上来说,在这儿非加国公民每年只需交$11000的学费,这比很多美国的学校,包括一些公立大学的收费标准都低得多。这也是很多美国学生北上加拿大到该校求学的原因之一。不过,更重要的是,WBS所提供的绝对是一流的MBA教育。Canadian Business杂志数次将Western排在加国20多所工商管理学院的榜首。这也是该校吸引许多外国学生的另外一个重要原因。
Western的很多教授曾在Harvard或Stanford接受过教育,因而他们能把自己高层次的经验带到课堂上去。该校还以老师与学生联系密切而闻名。许多美国学校由于过分重视研究,往往导致教学质量滑坡或无法提高。跟这些学校不同的是,该校绝对把教学放在第一位,教师的提升聘留都首先和教学质量挂钩。学校真正做的研究基本上都是用来指导发展case studies教学法的。Western声称自己紧跟哈佛为第二大设计案例的学校。
加拿大还有一些很有实力的工商管理学校,如Queen's University,McGill University,the University of Toronto和the University of British Columbia的工商管理学院,但只有Western在《商业周刊》的公司招聘者调查中崭露过头角。
该校把大约225个学生的大班分成三组上课。一年级的所有课程都是必修的,学生们集中学习九个基础领域的课程。第二学年只有Business Policy课为必修课。修完这些课程后你才可以选修包括The operating Manager和Creative Business Leadership这两门课的一些课程。商学院位于一幢两层楼的城堡般的砂岩建筑里。楼外的两个花园可以容纳500人在这儿举行晚会。学校为学生提供一些住房,但大部分学生住在校外。WBS交通便利,从伦敦市开车到底特律、多伦多,或乘飞机到纽约只需要两个小时,这一点很利于该校和商界建立联系。
Ivey's Rankings The Financial Times (October 14, 2002) second survey of Executive MBA (EMBA) programs ranks Ivey11th in the world (up from 15th) and number one in Canada.
The Financial Times (May 27, 2002) survey of Executive Development providers ranked Ivey #1 overall in Canada based on the combined strength of its custom and open-enrolment programs. Participants rated Ivey faculty in the top 10 globally, placing it in the company of Harvard, Columbia and Wharton. Ivey's custom programs were also singled out for their quality and are now ranked with the top 20 programs worldwide, the only Canadian school to make this list.
The Financial Times (January 21, 2002) fourth survey of the world's top 100 MBA programs ranks Ivey 18th in the world up from 19th last year, remains #1 in Canada, and is #4 in the world for General Management.
The Financial Times (October 22, 2001) first ever survey of Executive MBA (EMBA) programs ranks Ivey15th in the world and number one in Canada. Ivey EMBA graduates see an average increase in earnings of 85% three years after graduation.
Business Week (October 5, 2001) survey of Executive MBA (EMBA) programs ranked Ivey's program in the top 15 globally, making it the top Canadian program and second outside the United States only to Switzerland's IMD.
Forbes (September 27, 2001) survey of MBA programs ranked Ivey as one of the top schools in the world for return on investment giving students a 137% return, the fourth highest percentage increase of the 62 schools surveyed. Overall, Ivey ranked second for two year MBA programs outside the United States. >> The Financial Times (June 2001) survey of Executive Development providers again ranks Ivey the #1 business school in Canada for Executive Development, #18 globally and #1 for International Programs.
The Wall Street Journal (April 2001) survey of MBA programs ranks Ivey the number one business school outside of the United States.