
各位同事、各位同學、各位校友: 戊子鼠年剛開始,我祝大家新春迪吉,萬事如意,身體健康。我們為新一年籌謀策劃之前,或可先回顧過去一載的工作。 招生續取佳績 二零零七年,我們繼續從香港和世界各地招收優秀學子,並取得極佳成績。全港平均成績最好的一千名聯招新生中, 半數選擇入讀中大。經優先錄取計劃而入讀我校的中六尖子則有一百八十一名, 人數為三所參與計劃院校之冠。非本地生人數續有增長,達三百一十名,包括五十九名來自十三個國家和地區的學子, 另二百五十一名經全國普通高校統一招生計劃錄取的內地本科生; 內地生之中超過百分之八十名列所屬省市首一千名尖子之內,百分之十二更名列首十名之內。至於來校參與交換計劃的外地生共有八百五十五人, 較前年增長近百分之十。中大的本科生組合益形豐富多元。 ... 師生表現優秀 年內,中大師生各方面的表現卓越,贏得多項獎譽。最近的例子包括地理與資源管理學系梁怡教授獲頒國家自然科學獎二等獎, 醫學院的腸胃研究團隊獲頒國家科學技術進步獎二等獎, 機械與自動化工程學系徐揚生教授當選中國工程院院士,公共衛生學院陳英凝教授和眼科及視覺科學學系林順潮教 授獲香港紅十字會和香港電台聯合頒發首屆「香港人道獎」。 中大學生則於全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽中連續三屆蟬聯港澳地區冠軍,又於二零零七年大專辯論賽中奪魁;另外,再有一名中大學生當選香港區羅德學人, 為過去十一年來第八名獲此殊譽的中大人。也有獨立意見調查發現, 在芸芸本地大學畢業生之中,以中大生的整體表現最令人滿意,我們感到十分喜慰。 優化書院制度 中大學生得以在課堂之外與老師和同學保持緊密交流,互相啟發,並透過各類活動增進識見,培養獨立人格, 全仗我校獨特的書院制度。社會各界也十分欣賞這個制度的理念和優點, 並於去年大力支持中大籌建新書院,使我們繼成立晨興和善衡書院之後,可以再成立三所新書院:敬文書院、伍宜孫書院、和聲書院。 五所書院足以吸納三三四新學制帶來的額外三千名本科學生, 為他們提供優良的全人教育和關顧輔導。至此我們再無需要為本科生增設新書院,可以全力協助現有四所書院改善設施,並按各書院的意願,籌建新宿舍, 提升宿生比率,進一步鞏固中大的書院傳統。 迎接三三四 回復四年學制是我校師生十多年來的心願。為了配合三三四學制的實施,我們致力改革課程結構,加強通識教育和語文訓練的比重。類似過往 「大一國文」和「大一英文」的語文課程正在籌劃當中, 以「世界文明智慧」為主題的新通識基礎課程, 則訂於二零零九至二零一零學年試行。其他新元素包括更多雙主修課程、更多以中國和亞洲為主題、由海內外著名學者主持的暑期課程。 此外,我們積極籌建新的教學大樓、實驗室、圖書館、學生宿舍和康樂設施, 更全速招募資深教師。年內各項計劃都取得長足進展。我們滿有信心,可於二零一二年順利推行新學制。 籌款超標 至於二零零七年的籌款工作,已經超額完成,足以於大學教育資助委員會第四輪配對補助金計劃中, 取得最高上限的配對撥款。各方善長的慷慨捐贈, 充分反映中大的整體發展方向繼續得到社會大眾和海內外校友的鼎力支持,對此我們既感激又欣慰。 未來一年工作重點 展望未來一年,我們的工作重點包括繼續為回復四年學制做好準備;按十年策略計劃所訂下的目標,竭力拓展五大學術領域,爭取教研佳績; 進一步擴展學生交流計劃,增加海外實習機會,朝國際學府的方向邁進; 努力建設可持續發展的綠色校園,並為之制訂總體規劃藍圖。 校園發展計劃 我知道大家十分關心校園發展計劃的新進展,所以在這裡報告一下。去年九月,四所顧問公司為我們介紹發展中大校園的初步構思, 我們也廣泛諮詢師生校友的意見,得到了熱烈的回應。 由專業人士組成的校園發展計劃督導委員會, 下一步將選出一所最合適的顧問公司,並邀請該公司深入考慮各方建議,重新開始為中大規劃校園發展藍圖。顧問公司會繼續舉辦研討會, 徵詢大家的看法。我們希望集思廣益, 在未來約一年內與各位一起設計一個理想的中大校園。 我也想一再重申,大學將一如既往,堅守可持續發展的原則,貫徹「一棵樹都不能少」的政策,致力建設綠色環保校園。 四十五周年校慶 中文大學於今年十月屆滿四十五歲。際此新春佳節,就讓我們齊來訂下一年大計,再接再厲,以更好的成績迎接中大的四十五歲生辰! 劉遵義謹啟 二零零八年二月二十一日
Dear Colleagues, Students, and Alumni: At the start of the Year of the Rat, may I wish you all health, happiness, and a most propitious year. Before we plan ahead for 2008, let us reflect on what we have achieved in the year just past. Quality student intake In 2007, CUHK continued to be a university of choice for promising young talent, local and non-local. Out of the top 1,000 JUPAS applicants, about half enrolled on our undergraduate programmes. We also admitted 181 top secondary six students through the Early Admissions Scheme, the largest number among the three participating institutions. Of the 310 non-local students recruited in the same year, 59 hailed from 13 countries and regions, and 251 from different provinces and municipalities across mainland China . The mainland students gained admission through the National Colleges and Universities Enrolment System, with some 80% of them ranked among the top 1,000 scorers in their respective provinces and municipalities, and 12% among the top ten. Together with 855 exchange students, these young people have significantly enhanced the diversity of our student body. ... Excellent performance by staff and students I am also pleased to report that our colleagues and students performed exceedingly well throughout the year, winning for themselves many awards and doing the University proud time and again. For example, Professor Leung Yee of the Department of Geography and Resource Management won the second-class award of the 2007 State Natural Science Award; the CUHK Gastrointestinal Research Group won the second-class award of the 2007 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award; Professor Xu Yangsheng of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; and Professor Emily Chan of the School of Public Health and Professor Dennis Lam of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences were selected recipients of the first Hong Kong Humanity Award co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong. As for CUHK students, the year 2007 saw them winning the Hong Kong and Macau Cup for the third consecutive year in the Challenge Cup (the premier biennial national technological competition), as well as the championship of the Inter Post-Secondary College Debate Competition. Another CUHK student was selected Rhodes Scholar for Hong Kong , the eighth one in 11 years. Independent surveys have also found that the overall performance of CUHK graduates is the best among local university graduates. We are most gratified by all these results. An enhanced college system A distinctive and widely-acclaimed feature of our University is its college system. It has helped generations of CUHK students with their character building and personal growth through non-formal education and pastoral care. We were most fortunate to have received significant community support for the enhancement of our college system during the year, and raised substantial donations to build three more new colleges: C.W. Chu College , Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College . Including Morningside College and S.H. Ho College established in 2006, these five new colleges will accommodate the expected increase of some 3,000 in our total undergraduate enrolment in 2012 as a result of the reversion to a four-year undergraduate curriculum. Now that the need for new undergraduate colleges has been fulfilled, the University will help the existing four colleges upgrade their facilities and, if they so wish, build new hostels and increase their residential ratio. Preparing for 3+3+4 The reversion to a four-year normative undergraduate curriculum is something we have been looking forward to for more than a decade. To prepare for 3+3+4, we have continued to review the framework for curriculum and pedagogy development. Courses similar to the previous Dayi Guowen (First-year Chinese) and Dayi Yingwen (First-year English) are being developed. A newly designed General Education Foundation Course emphasizing the wisdom in world civilizations will be piloted in 2009-10. Other new elements include more double majors and annual international summer programmes taught by world-renowned scholars specializing in Chinese and Asian studies. Meanwhile, much progress has been achieved in the capital works that cater for future teaching, research, library and student needs. We also sped up the recruitment of senior academics for better manpower planning. I am confident that these preparations will provide a firm footing for the launch of the new curriculum structure in 2012. Strong community support There is more good news: we have raised more than sufficient private donations to qualify for the maximum grant in the fourth round of the UGC’s matching grant scheme. Generous gifts from different sectors of the community represent genuine appreciation of the work done by the University over the years and of the future direction of its growth. We are deeply grateful for the munificence of our benefactors and the staunch support rendered us by our alumni community. Work for the year ahead In the year ahead, we shall continue to focus our efforts on the following tasks: to continue preparing for the launch of 3+3+4; to achieve even greater progress in the five major academic areas designated by the ten-year Strategic Plan for focused investment; to further expand student exchange programmes and increase opportunities for overseas internship; to build a green campus that is sustainable and to formulate a campus master plan to guide its overall development. Campus master plan Let me also take this opportunity to update you on the progress of our campus master plan. Last September four consultant firms were invited to present their preliminary campus plan proposals to our staff, students and alumni. Thereafter consultation sessions were conducted to solicit views from various stakeholders, who responded enthusiastically to the call. What the Steering Committee on Campus Master Plan will do next is to carefully select the most suitable consultant firm, and have it thoroughly consider all the opinions and comments collected before designing a campus master plan from scratch. We shall rely on the professionals of the Steering Committee to choose for us the best architectural consultancy, who will continue to organize workshops to canvass your views of an ideal campus. The whole process is expected to take a year or so, and we should put our heads together for this most important task. Meanwhile we shall adhere to the principle of sustainability and make sure that there will not be any fewer trees on our campus as the University continues to grow. 45th anniversary of CUHK By October 2008, the University will have reached 45 years of age. As spring is the time for us to plan for the year, I invite you to set targets of what you want to achieve in the coming months, so that we may celebrate the University's 45th birthday with bountiful accomplishments. Lawrence J. Lau 21 February 2008