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发表于 2007-8-21 23:13:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用LES在2004-12-6 22:51:00的发言:

B) After passing through a red giant stage, depending on its mass, a star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

这个选项是典型的:"squinting modifier"修饰,请参考OG245的解释:

245. Unlike Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system that dominated the music of the postwar period, Bartok founded no school and left behind only a handful of disciples.

(A) Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system that dominated
(B) Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system which dominated
(C) Schoenberg, whose twelve-tone system dominated
(D) the twelve-tone system of Schoenberg that has dominatedC
(E) Schoenberg and the twelve-tone system, dominating

C, the best answer, is the only choice that makes a logical comparison: Unlike Schoenberg,... Bartok. In A, B, and D, Bartok, a person, is compared either to Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system or to Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system as a unit. Such comparisons are neither logically sound nor semantically parallel. Consequently, A and D illogically suggest that Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system founded a school and left behind many disciples. Choice B suggests that Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system together accomplished these feats. In E, the comparison is illogical and the modification is ambiguous. Schoenberg and his system, as a unit, are not only compared to Bartok, an individual, but also credited with having formed a school. The verb phrase dominating... is called a “squinting modifier (a modifier (as often in *getting dressed often is a nuisance*) so placed in a sentence that it can be interpreted as modifying either what precedes or what follows)” because it looks in both directions: given the structure of the sentence, it could be meant to modify either Schoenberg and the twelve-tone system or Bartok.


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-21 23:27:00编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-21 23:27:00 | 只看该作者


31    star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after it passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass.

(A) A star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after it passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass.[

(B) After passing through a red giant stage, depending on its mass, a star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole. [参照OG 245的批判:黄色标出的部分is called a “squinting modifier”,引起修饰对象的歧义,既可修饰前面的stage,也可以修饰后面的a black hole]

(C) After passing through a red giant stage(错误修饰后面的中心词mass), a star’s mass will determine if it compresses itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

(D) Mass determines whether a star, after passing through the red giant stage, will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.D

(E) The mass of a star, after passing through the red giant stage错误修饰mass, will determine whether it compresses itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.



发表于 2007-8-22 02:55:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-8-22 13:26:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-9-17 23:47:00 | 只看该作者

回复:(lloottuuss)(D) Mass determines whether a ...

因为DE选项中“after passing through the red giant stage”所处的位置不同,D的“after passing through the red giant stage”是weather的一部分,然后才是主句,E的“after passing through the red giant stage”是主句的一部分,the mass是主语的中心词。
发表于 2008-8-27 03:31:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-10-29 21:35:00 | 只看该作者


黄色部分是关于"squinting modifier"修饰的说明,也就是我们常说的“夹心”,相关讨论和总结挺多的。

Choice A is ambiguous because the grammatical function of depending on mass is uncertain: the phrase could modify either the whole preceding statement or only the words after it passes through a red giant stage. In the latter case, choice A states in effect that a star depends on its mass as it passes through this phase, not the fate of the star depends on the star’s mass. Choice B suffers from the same ambiguity. Choices C and E illogically maintain that the star’s mass, not star itself, passes through the red giant stage to assume another form. Choice D is the correct answer for this difficult question.


发表于 2009-1-1 03:51:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2009-1-1 16:31:00 | 只看该作者


A.“,depending on mass”作条件状语,表示一件事是在什么条件下完成的。但是问题是它从语法上有两件事可以修饰,就造成了歧异。1、整句:star compress;2、就近的条件状语从句:it(star) pass through a stage

B.“,depending on mass”同样是这个问题。可以理解为修饰前面所说的那件事,使第二个逗号前的内容组成一个完整的条件状语,也可以看作单独修饰后面那一件事,此时主句star compress前面有两个状语,第一个是时间状语:after pass through a stage之后,第二个状语是说:还要depending on mass;




发表于 2009-1-1 16:49:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用LES在2004-12-6 22:51:00的发言:

B) After passing through a red giant stage, depending on its mass, a star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

这个选项是典型的:"squinting modifier"修饰,请参考OG245的解释:

245. Unlike Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system that dominated the music of the postwar period, Bartok founded no school and left behind only a handful of disciples.

(A) Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system that dominated
(B) Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system which dominated
(C) Schoenberg, whose twelve-tone system dominated
(D) the twelve-tone system of Schoenberg that has dominatedC
(E) Schoenberg and the twelve-tone system, dominating

C, the best answer, is the only choice that makes a logical comparison: Unlike Schoenberg,... Bartok. In A, B, and D, Bartok, a person, is compared either to Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system or to Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system as a unit. Such comparisons are neither logically sound nor semantically parallel. Consequently, A and D illogically suggest that Schoenberg’s twelve-tone system founded a school and left behind many disciples. Choice B suggests that Schoenberg and his twelve-tone system together accomplished these feats. In E, the comparison is illogical and the modification is ambiguous. Schoenberg and his system, as a unit, are not only compared to Bartok, an individual, but also credited with having formed a school. The verb phrase dominating... is called a “squinting modifier (a modifier (as often in *getting dressed often is a nuisance*) so placed in a sentence that it can be interpreted as modifying either what precedes or what follows)” because it looks in both directions: given the structure of the sentence, it could be meant to modify either Schoenberg and the twelve-tone system or Bartok.






还要罗唆最后一句:感谢LES NN!!!真的很棒很棒很棒!!!

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-1 16:51:41编辑过]
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