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向 Top 5 MBA说不!!!!

发表于 2007-8-12 08:42:00 | 只看该作者
I also recommend you to read the application essays of Columbia MBA this year. The new dean of the Columbia business school gave a very profound speech discussing the true values of MBA education today.
发表于 2007-8-12 08:45:00 | 只看该作者

Entrepreneurs 需要天分,特定的机遇和对某些技术领域的了解,管理理论和学校人脉只是额外辅助;时代早和先前不同了,所有行业都无比细化并且有很强的技术歧视,如果没有技术背景或者技术合作人的MBA可能也只能打工了或者在软性的行业晃悠,类似条件的竞争又那么激烈,很难建立真正与众不同的比如技术专利那样别人模仿都无法模仿的东西;而且按照现在的录取标准来看,很多MBA上完早都人上30,都是不应该再冒险需要稳重的年龄了;MBA培养的多是高级打工白领,做接那些企业家的班,壮大或者维持企业的工作;出真正的企业家少是很正常的;MBA也许能教很多知识如何去创业如果去融资如何去管理等等,但是创业最根本还是在于能否掌握技术核心和对新技术发展方向的敏感性...

发表于 2007-8-12 09:33:00 | 只看该作者
很多MBA上完早都人上30,都是不应该再冒险需要稳重的年龄了. I disagree. Too many successful entrepreneurs started their business between 30~35. HP is an example.
发表于 2007-8-12 09:55:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用IceCo在2007-8-12 9:33:00的发言:
很多MBA上完早都人上30,都是不应该再冒险需要稳重的年龄了. I disagree. Too many successful entrepreneurs started their business between 30~35. HP is an example.

gimme stat rather than some outliers 

HP was founded on 1934, when the both partners were only 21/22...also, MS, Goog, yourtube etc are all developed by 'young ppl' much before their 30s.

Start-ups mean you have to risk a lot, your time and your money, so that I do not think high risk is good for ppl who have family -- what if one loses.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 10:04:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用IceCo在2007-8-12 8:20:00的发言:


全球非常成功的企業家(Entrepreneur) 中,幾乎沒有一個MBA出身.... is that true? Have you known enough names out there? Warrant Buffet is MBA Columbia.
Nike Founder Phil Knight is Stanford MBA. Donald Trump, not a MBA but graduated
from the Wharton business school. How about all those successful local
entrepreneurs who might not be globally well-known? It is also unfair to bring
up such judgment because not every school specializes in entrepreneurship. Not
to mention that entrepreneurship is an recently emerging topic in MBA. Also MBA does not necessarily equal to entrepreneurship. MBA trains potential leaders in business and leadership can be realized in many different forms. Starting a successful company from ground up is only one of the forms.

Warrant Buffet is Master of Science in economics not MBA.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-12 10:24:36编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-12 12:40:00 | 只看该作者
很现实的一个问题,毕业后拿到10-20万一年的,放弃一切去创业的本来就不多,小公司没2-3年看不出起色,那时候大家都30上下了,上有老下有小,再也不是一人吃饱全家不饿,走出这一步的人少,走出之后能够成功的自然就更少. 创业与其说要天分,还不如说要些运气,30岁能有公司上市的机率,估计比每年被雷劈中的还要低些.
发表于 2007-8-12 14:06:00 | 只看该作者
汗, 给了两个例子都是错的, 哈哈, 说话真不能只从脑袋里直觉回想! 但我真的觉得说30岁想开公司已经太晚, 或 a good business education 对成为成功的企业家没帮助的说法保持怀疑.

It\'s true that most entrepreneurs who started a technology firm (Google, Yahoo, YouTube..etc.) are very young, but I think that's because young people have the advantages over old people in the technical fields. Looking back to the history of business, there have been many amazing businessmen who started successful business after they were 30 years old. My most favourite entrepreneur is the the founder of KFC: Colonel Harland Sanders! He started a business at age of 60 or 70! How inspiring! And how about the following founders (this time, I looked them up from the books, Built to Last. 再错我就真的要闭嘴了, haha...):
Boeing (35)
Ford (40)
GE (39 and 48)
Westinghouse (39)
TI (31)
Johnson and Johnson (41)
Motorola (33)
Zenith (37)
Nordstrom (30)
Proctor and Gamble (34 and 36)
Sony (37)
Ames( 33)

Hearing 30 is too old to start a business is really frustrating.
发表于 2007-8-12 14:34:00 | 只看该作者
oooooooooops!!!I typed so many!!! stupid internet
发表于 2007-8-12 14:37:00 | 只看该作者

Ford: Started farming and runing a sawmill on 1988, when he was 25.

Boeing: Started his lumber business when he was 26 on 1903?.

Westinghouse: He patented his invention as early as March 1872 and soon WACBO. By that time, he was 26.

Many other are, true, over 30+ when they started their own business...however, isnt that so hard to find more..even in early days. It is always good to be young. lmao.


发表于 2007-8-13 03:52:00 | 只看该作者

兄弟们,你们在这里争论了半天,我觉得都是在说梦话。为什么呢,这个问题我想过很多便了,就是,能自己开公司,有本事创业的,早都自己赚钱或者寻梦去了。哪有时间在这里考G,搞这些乱七八糟的东东。那些没想好,或者创业失败,觉得自己个方面还不行的人,比如我自己,才会去考top MBA,所以说,你决定去读MBA,就证明没有比top MBA机会更好的出路,你不知道该不该读,也说明你没有比读mba更好的出路,很简单。大家都是聪明人,都知道自己的背景和实力,你觉得那些读名校MBA的人,会放弃年薪百万美金的工作或者机会 来读书吗?


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