以下是引用YQX在2003-11-24 11:40:00的发言: necrophile, 希望你不是幸灾乐祸吧. 我对这次成绩是有点失望,不过如你所说,够了就行. 不过我觉得三次成绩一样的确是奇迹.不知谁可跟我比比. 还好的是这一次作文要提高了一点.
if it sounds so, i apologize.... but i really think in the whole process of application. TOEFL is important but still a slight portion. For me, about the personal statment, recommandation, and GPA, and possible interview, the difficulity of those is far beyond the TOEFL. everyone happy for a high score, but if not, just keep going coz TOEFL is really not that so called "the First biggest thing".
hope this make more sense. |