以下是引用uvoice在2007-6-30 5:00:00的发言:看到了以前两个讨论但是没有问到这个but的问题: After several years of rapid growth, the healthy care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
- while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
- while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
- but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
- but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
- but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
e e 中but为什么前面要加逗号那??? 如果是一个主语,不应该是不用逗号吗?因为then的原因吗?哪个战友能来帮着解释一下?还有一个问题,doing得分词形式在句位,什么是欧会当时修饰前面名词的歧义?这里的falling months behind in paying没有修饰business的歧义吗?多谢了!!!!!!!!这两个问题困扰了我有一段日子了。 but后面没有主语,那就是认为省略前句主语.一班情况下不用加逗号,但是这不是绝对的.要看情况而定.具体规则建议看一下那个 著名的ETS回信.YET的用法, 这里我觉得but前要加逗号的目的,其实就是为了格开句尾分词falling behind in paying,让它只能修饰but以后的部分. 如果but前没有逗号,整个句子从开头,到 falling之前都是一个整体,这个falling分词结构修饰整个整体句子所表达的情况,明显不对. falling只是用来修饰后半句,即but以后的内容. "名词,ing 分词"这种情况多数是 分词结构修饰前面一个句子, 只有在特定的语境下,分词才修饰前面的名词. 如果名词后面没有逗号,直接加分词,分词是修饰这个名词的. 这里从句子意思看,but表转折,用的比较好啊. while表转折的时候,一般while从句在句首. in one's doing 一般是错的.因为多数情况下,one's 就是句子主语(比如这题,paying的主语是company,its也是指代company,所以没有必要重复用in its paying).--------------------但是如果 doing的动作发出者不是句子的主语,这时候要注意了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-22 3:31:45编辑过] |