以下是引用bloomingtree在2003-11-22 14:18:00的发言: hi, gowell
Congratulations! I asked for an interview in Shanghai,but Darden said that before submitting application,they can only schedule om-campus interviews. Could you tell us about your background?
Do you request interview when the school travels to the region? For example, MBA tour or MBA fair event? Darden would not grant off-campus interview unless the school happens to travel to the country for other recruiting events.
Otherwise, you will have to wait after you submit your application to be invited to an interview.
As for my background, well, I worked for a company that Americans are not familiar with. My stats are solid.
Work Expereince: 6+ years Industry: Service Function: Marketing GMAT: 700+ GPA 80+ of a 100 scale (no need to convert your score to the US GPA, none of the schools I appied to so far request me to convert) TOEFL: 290+
I do not list specific numbers because I don't want people to concentrate too much on the number. It's just part of the application. Please don't get distracted by these stats. Focus on your essay and overall package.
Good luck all.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-22 20:18:02编辑过] |