68. The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands. A. years as a result of the removal of B. years as a result of removing C. years, resulting from the removing of D. years, which is result of removing E. years, which is a result of the removal of
A: correct B: removing 分词结构和后面the clearing of名词结构不对称 C: the removing 动名词应该改removal D: which没指代 E: which 没指代 D,E排除很轻松,但这题把我一个思路打乱了,根据题干"the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands"中透露出来的信息,难道不应该用the removing吗?题干提供的信息限制划线部分的内容是不会错的啊. 大牛救命啊呵呵. |