文件无法上传,贴在下面,请多多指教,感谢!!In your view, to what extent should government or any other group be able to censor television or radio programs? Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position. As it is mentioned in the issue, government implements stringent censorship on TV and radio programs in some countries. In my point of view, this action is very necessary to guarantee the society's health. But how to manage the extent of censorship is the key point to make sure the measure is helpful.
Firstly, the censorship on TV and radio program is definitely required in a normal society. If government doesn't censor this kind of media, it means any kind of information can be transmitted to anyone in the countries. For juvenile, who are in the phase of building up their cognition of the world, some harmful programs, such as violence and blue firms, will seriously impact their behaviors and thinking. They will be concentrated on the gloom of the society, imitate contemptible behavior and probably be led to the dire crime at last. It can be said these kinds of programs partially take the role of the origins of the crimes of juvenile, thus endanger the safety and healthy of our society. On the other hand, for adults, if some harmful programs which focus on depressing people, maybe it cause them to be negative when facing any social phenomenon. As the result, they can't love their life contribute more for the society. So we can't regard the harmful programs as zero or positive influence for our society and the censorship is absolutely necessary.
Secondly, Since government choose to use the censorship as a tool to manage and optimize our society they must know how to control the extent. If they overuse it to prohibit any negative information appearing in programs, many valuable information may be cut which can support government to improvement the healthy of society. For example, in a TV program, the focus is to reveal some environmental problems, although it contains some offensive language, but it's objective is to open the issues and find effective solution. This kind of program should be remained. Otherwise we can't hear different voice on various points in the society. It's also not beneficial for the progress of society.
In conclusion, censorship on TV and radio programs must be existed in a normal society. But government is also required to put a definite and reasonable boundary on how to censor the media. With all these steps, the programs will be beneficial for the whole society. |