以下是引用todaysun在2007-6-13 5:50:00的发言:真的非常感谢大家的答复! 我的确觉得现在的工作与研究没有什么关系。感觉作审计就是可以把很多accounting standard怎么用弄清楚,但是完全是运用这一面的,恐怕对今后的申请不会有什么特别的作用了看来。 我也是处于准备阶段,对于定位也不是很确定。也很想听听大家对于这种情况有什么建议吗?是否读一个master会有帮助?(不过我从一些学校网站上看到他们的master in accounting多半是为进入industry做准备,似乎并没在program介绍里强调research所占的比重,不知是否真是这样?)如果除此之外我还可以怎样准备? 先提前谢谢大家了! If you are interested in auditing research, your working experience in a CPA firm will be very helpful, not only to your application but also to your future research. A huge portion of auditing research focuses on how auditors make decisions, how auditors interact with clients and how auditors' behavior change with regulation. A researcher who has never worked in an auditing related job can hardly come out interesting ideas in these issues. Most of the MACC degrees in US are provided for students to meet CPA exam's 150 credit hours requirement. However, you can still take more methodology-related classes (e.g. basic financal and accounting theory, linear algebra, statistics), which you eventually need to take in PhD program (if you have never taken them before). Doing this can save your time for "research" once you get into the program. Moreover, many schools prefer students who have degree in U.S.. So, a master degree in good business school in U.S. will benefit a lot in your application. I guess a MA Econ degree will be even more helpful. But it does not help you that much if you are doing auditing research. |