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发表于 2007-5-30 10:02:00 | 只看该作者


4. “Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most.”

* manifestations: apparent signs or indicators

Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.

The statement that of all the manifestations of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most is somewhat convincing. In my point of view, in the statement, the word "impress" can be divided into three aspects: the barrier, the influence, and the signal of development.

At the first place, restraint in the use of power impresses people most because it suffer from the most tremendous obstacle, because people who already have that power are usually reluctant to be restrained, and because these people are superior to those who have not. A case in point is the French Revolution, which is carried out to restraint the power of the nobles. It succeeded at first but suffered from several restorations and paid the cost of the lives of thousands of people.

At the second place, the great impression is also brought by the influence to the human society. Every time a power is restrained, it is a signal of a revolution, which will bring a series of changes to the society, no matter these changes are planed at the beginning or not. Take the Glorious Revolution for example. It restrained the power of Crown, but it did not stop at it. By restraining the power, it promoted the development of the capitalism in the Great Britain, which then became the strongest country in the world.

At the third place, the impression is tremendous because it is a signal of the development of human civilization. The human society developed from central authorized to democracy, each stage in the development accompanied some restraint in the use of power. For example, the restraint of power white people used over black people in the USA is a signal of eliminating discrimination, a great improvement in human society. Nowadays, in every part of the world, if in a society some restraint of power is carried out, it will surely be the biggest news.

To sum up, because of the barrier it faces, the influence it brings about, and the development it foreshows, restraint in the use of power is the most impressive manifestation of power.


发表于 2007-5-30 14:21:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用清如水在2007-5-30 10:02:00的发言:

4. “Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most.”

* manifestations: apparent signs or indicators

Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.

The statement that of all the manifestations of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most is somewhat convincing. In my point of view, in the statement(这两句去掉一句), the word "impress" can be divided into three aspects: the barrier, the influence, and the signal of development.

At(In?) the first place, restraint in the use of power impresses people most because it suffer(s) from the most tremendous obstacle, because people who already have that power are usually reluctant to be restrained, and because(one because is ok) these people are superior to those who have not(vague). A case in point is the French Revolution, which is carried out to restraint the power of the nobles. It succeeded at first but suffered from several restorations and paid the cost of (for) the lives of thousands of people.

At the second place, the great impression is also brought by the influence to the human society. Every time a power is restrained, it is a signal of a revolution, which will bring a series of changes to the society, no matter these changes are planed at the beginning or not. Take the Glorious Revolution for example. It restrained the power of Crown, but it did not stop at it. By restraining the power, it promoted the development of the capitalism in the Great Britain, which then became the strongest country in the world.

At the third place, the impression is tremendous because it is a signal of the development of human civilization. The human society developed from central authorized to democracy, each stage in the development accompanied some restraint in the use of power. For example, the restraint of power white people used over black people in the USA is a signal of eliminating discrimination, a great improvement in human society. Nowadays, in every part of the world, if in a society some restraint of power is carried out, it will surely be the biggest news.

To sum up, because of the barrier it faces, the influence it brings about, and the development it foreshows, restraint in the use of power is the most impressive manifestation of power.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 20:12:00 | 只看该作者
好像真的是in the first place而不是at the first place,还好今天停电了可以重考,我汗……谢谢rio
发表于 2010-6-24 11:26:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-8 10:20:34 | 只看该作者


1、definition of power

2、what is the meaning of using power

3、why restraint power is the most thing that impress people

4、if not restraint, what is the consequence

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