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[灌水] 还是应该严格枪支管制

发表于 2007-5-19 01:39:00 | 只看该作者

[灌水] 还是应该严格枪支管制














发表于 2007-5-19 02:23:00 | 只看该作者
i agree with LZ.
on a side note: the baby is cute!
发表于 2007-5-19 03:08:00 | 只看该作者

if there is age limit or any sort of check, NRA will sue the hell out of the local government.

Just ask San Francisco City Counsel for how much they have to pay by passing a law for gun control.

To everyone else in the world, this is very hard to understand.

But if you have studied Con Law, you know why.

发表于 2007-5-19 05:35:00 | 只看该作者
do you think they will eventurally repeal the 2nd amendment?
发表于 2007-5-19 08:53:00 | 只看该作者
    american politics is less about right or wrong, more on who can lobby the hardest.
发表于 2007-5-23 03:17:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用chinesecheese在2007-5-19 8:53:00的发言:
    american politics is less about right or wrong, more on who can lobby the hardest.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-23 4:32:06编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-23 03:57:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-5-19 3:08:00的发言:

if there is age limit or any sort of check, NRA will sue the hell out of the local government.

Just ask San Francisco City Counsel for how much they have to pay by passing a law for gun control.

To everyone else in the world, this is very hard to understand.

But if you have studied Con Law, you know why.

I haven't studied law, but I think it is possible to set age limit or some sort of check.  If probihition can be set on the purchase of tabacoo and alcohol, it is possible to have age ceiling on the purchase of gun. It might be time-consuming, it might be expensive, but it is by all means possible.

I think congressional lobbying would help in certain aspects.

发表于 2007-5-23 04:55:00 | 只看该作者
NRA is currently the most powerful lobby group in DC.


The argument behind the 2nd amendment intends to be that people, when faced with oppression and tyranny, should
be able to defend themselves and overthrow such government, therefore they should be constitutionally supported to
bear arms that include automatic and semi-automatic rifles, which were
the standard firing devices back in the civil war. Interestingly,
nowadays the US military employs more than conventional weapons. So
should the 2nd amendment increase its scope of content and allow people
to own nuclear bombs and missiles for personal purposes?


I'm no expert in legal matters, and I know that I inevitably fall into the "too young too naive" category. But it's obvious to me that the
constitution needs to be interpreted in the context of its time and
background, law is meant to create order and preserve justice, not
bring chaos into people's lives.


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