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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-6 17:34:00 | 只看该作者


Many financial experts believe that policy makers at the Federal Reserve, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are almost certain to leave interest rates unchanged for the foreseeable future.


  1. Reserve, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are
  2. Reserve, now viewing the economy to be balanced between that of moderate growth and low inflation and are
  3. Reserve who, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are
  4. Reserve, who now view the economy to be balanced between that of moderate growth and low inflation, will be
  5. Reserve, which now views the economy to be balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, is

   Answer: A

此题我错是因为,没有注意view …as实际上是ETS推崇的优选,例句OG147

似乎没有view to be的用法

view [transitive]

1 to think about something or someone in a particular way [= see]

view something as something

The law should be viewed as a way of meeting certain social goals.

view something from a ... perspective/standpoint

It's an issue that can be viewed from several perspectives.

view something with caution/suspicion/scepticism etc

The local people viewed newcomers with suspicion.

2 formal to look at something, especially because it is beautiful or you are interested in it

view something from something

The mountain is best viewed from the north side.

Thousands of tourists come to view the gardens every year.

view a house/an apartment/a property (=go to see a house etc that you are interested in buying)

3 formal to watch a television programme, film etc:

an opportunity to view the film before it goes on general release

OG 147:

Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.

(A) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than

(B) As did other seventeenth-century colonists, Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement rather than viewing it as

(C) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement, like other seventeenth-century colonists, rather than viewing it as

(D) Marriage to Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, was viewed as a property arrangement rather thanE

(E) Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-6 17:43:41编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-6 18:03:00 | 只看该作者


Charles Lindbergh, for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he therefore refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.


  1. Charles Lindbergh, for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he therefore
  2. When Charles Lindbergh was attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he
    --was attempting 时态不对;being very reluctant 不好,而且有squinting modifier之嫌
  3. Since he was very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he was attempting his solo transatlantic flight, so Charles Lindbergh
  4. Being very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight was the reason that Charles Lindbergh
  5. Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh

   Answer: E


therefore是副词,不可以连两个句子sb was reluctant to do sth, he therefore的结构就是两个独立的句子,而没有任何连词,所以是错误的;

attempt to既可以做名词词组,又可以做动词词组;

attempt at只作名词词组;

for instance: if you attempt to do sth,you should ......

if you make an attempt to do sth, you should....

despite attempt at sth , sb still........

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-7 16:06:00 | 只看该作者


The fact of some fraternal twins resembling each other greatly and others looking quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely they vary considerably on a spectrum of genetic relatedness.


  1. The fact of some fraternal twins resembling each other greatly and others looking quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely they vary considerably
    没有while好,while 有对比的意味;namely that is to say , along with n. not clausenamely后少一个that,说成run-on也可以的 the fact ofSC里面很少作为正确选项同位语从句的that不能省
  2. That some fraternal twins resemble each other greatly while others look quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely that they vary considerably
  3. With some fraternal twins resembling each other greatly and others looking quite dissimilar, it highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely considerable variation

  4. With some fraternal twins resembling each other greatly and others looking quite dissimilar, it is a fact that highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely a considerable variation
  5. Because some fraternal twins resemble each other greatly and others look quite dissimilar, this fact highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely they vary considerably
                        this fact

   Answer: B

1. 同位语从句的引导词只能是that. 定语从句的引导词可以是that, 可以是which. 一个是限定性,一个是非限定性。同位语从句的that不能省

2. 区分同位语从句和定语从句的方法:定语从句的引导词that, which, 必然在从句里面充当一个名词成分,比如主语或宾语。而同位语从句的that只有引导功能,不在从句里做任何一个成分。




GMATit形式主语,指代一个句子,到底可不可以,It is a fact that...  中的it作形式主语有什么不好???

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-7 16:58:00 | 只看该作者


The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extendingfrom northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.

  1. Columbus was the Incan highway, which, over 2,500 miles long and extending怪异,extending不能解释which 从句没有动词
  2. Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended这里wasextended平行也有点怪,over ,,,length修饰有点模糊,并且in length这里没有long

  3. Columbus, the Incan highway, which was over 2,500 miles in length and extended
  4. Columbus, the Incan highway, being over 2,500 miles in length, was extended
  5. Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending

   Answer: E


The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long, extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.


The greatest road system built in the Americas prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway, over 2,500 miles in length, and extended from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile.

这题的错误原因是第一反应让我想起了MayaOG10-56)人那题,所以联想到同位语的范围问题,Architects and stonemasons不可以是全部的Maya但是这里The greatest road system 就是the Incan highway,所以这里这个根本就不是考点,错误的提高了这个的排除优先性,有自己的思路去想ETS,而没有判断出ETS到底要考什么?

56. Architects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.

A.      huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport

B.      without the benefits of animal transport or the wheel, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya

C.      the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel

D.     there were built, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge palace and temple clusters by the Maya

E.      were the Maya who, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, built huge palace and temple clusters

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-7 16:59:18编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 10:14:00 | 只看该作者


The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses, rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room.


  1. rules intended to
                        ensure that
                        at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room

  2. rules with the intent of
                        one nurse at least
                        to be assigned for every four patients to be put through triage in a hospital emergency room

  3. rules intending to
                        at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients in a hospital emergency room put through triage

  4. with the intent of
                        ensuring that
                        at least one nurse should be assigned for every four patients in a hospital emergency room that are put through triage

  5. and this is intended to
                        one nurse at least
                        to be assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room



1 宾语从句that不能省  一级排除C

2  逻辑意思   二级比较排除B,D,E

壮语从句位置错误B,E.  at least one nurse

定语从句修饰错误D     patients put through triage


 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 11:17:00 | 只看该作者


Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.


  1. movies—less than those

  2. movies—fewer than have been

  3. movies, which is less than those

  4. movies, a number lower than the people
                        A number
    不能和people比较,lower不修饰number,应用greater smaller修饰

  5. movies, fewer than the ones




1.  A number不能和people比较,

2.  Less 修饰不可数名词

3.  比较前后成分的平行很重要,所以这题我选B

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 11:56:00 | 只看该作者


The city has proposed a number of water treatment and conservation projects the cost of which raises water bills high enough so that even environmentalists are beginning to raise alarms.


  1. the cost of which raises water bills high enough so that

  2. at a cost raising water bills so high that

  3. at a cost which raises water bills high enough so

  4. whose cost will raise water bills so high that

  5. whose cost will raise water bills high enough so that



B,D的差别在于 at a cost?

whose没有限定一定是人吧!! 物也行



so ... that后面的that从句应该也不能单独存在与一个分词短语里.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 11:57:00 | 只看该作者


Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, where the models are encased in glass or operated only by staff members, the Virtual Leonardo Project, an online version of the museum, encourages visitors to “touch” each exhibit, which thereby activates the animated functions of the piece.


  1. exhibit, which thereby activates

  2. exhibit, in turn an activation of

  3. exhibit, and it will activate

  4. exhibit and thereby activate

  5. exhibit which, as a result, activates



Activate 刺激,使活动,动作的发出者是visitors

encourages visitors to “touch”
                each exhibit
                and thereby
the animated functions of the piece



 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 15:51:00 | 只看该作者


The health benefits of tea have been the subject of much research; in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting some forms of cancer, the brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.


  1. in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting

  2. in addition to its possibilities to prevent or inhibit

  3. besides the possibility that it prevents and inhibits

  4. besides the possible preventing and inhibiting of

  5. besides possibly preventing or inhibiting


The health benefits of tea have been the subject of much research; besides possibly preventing or inhibiting
some forms of cancer, the brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.




prevent or inhibit prevent and inhibit,这里用orand的区别

prevent是阻止,使不发生,而inhibit是抑制,即减少。所以不可能既完全阻止又减少,更不可能先完全阻止后减少,所以preventand inhibit在逻辑意思上绝对错,只能用prevent or inhibit

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 16:02:00 | 只看该作者


Seldom more that 40 feet wide and 12 feet deep, but it ran 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lakes at Buffalo, providing the port of New York City with a direct water link to the heartland of the North American continent.


  1. Seldom more than 40 feet wide and 12 feet deep, but it ran 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected

  2. Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected

  3. It was seldom more than 40 feet wide and 12 feet deep, and ran 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, but the Erie Canal, connecting

  4. The Erie Canal was seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep and it ran 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, which connected

  5. The Erie Canal, seldom more than 40 feet wide and 12 feet deep, but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, connecting



And or的区别,小词一定不能作为优先排除的标准

seldom 是否定词,连接两个否定不能用and,要用or

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