以下是引用uiber在2003-12-8的发言: gowell,nice to talk with you again. I applied for the interview together with my application before the first deadline which was on Oct. 17th. when the school mailed me saying that i am waived an interview, i wrote back immediately to request an interview in beijing but was told that they don't offer interviews in bj and that's it. I didn't request interview in other locations, cuz even for HK, I think I can just try to contact the interview to know if she/he could give me a phone interview. Anyway, it is all past tense. Starting from tomorrow, the Fuqua School of Business will release the result. What I can do now is just pray...
Good to chat with you again...
I have a few words of wisdom to share with future applicants. Please start early in the process and request interviews ahead of time. Duke will aceept your off-campus interview requests even before you submit your applications. Check the MBA tour event and see which cities Duke will be visiting and request interview preferaably 4 weeks ahead of the events. For 2003, MBA Tour travelled around Asia cities in September. The event might take place around the same time next year... Plan ahead and you should have more chances of securing an interview.
uiber, I hope you will hear some good news from Duke next week..... Best of luck. |