以下是引用hgconnie在2007-5-18 18:53:00的发言:弱问一句,大家不要砸偶。。。 一直想申DUKE很久了,现在有点犹豫。就是担心这个作弊事件会不会影响中国学生的申请啊? 万一他面试的时候问你怎么看这个问题,那怎么说比较合适啊?就好比中国的盗版碟事件,老外问起来,真的很尴尬。虽然他们也有人偷偷买,但毕竟,在中国风靡的盗版碟是事实,感觉确实无话可说。认栽。 各位觉得今年申请DUKE的形势跟以往会有影响吗? Well, there definitely will be some negative impacts which anyone cannot deny. However, although we are all among the Chinese group, everyone of us is still unique and you can always find a way to distinguish yourself. I always believe that one's personality is his own destiny. What he does and how he behaves will pay in the long run. So just behave yourself and shape your personality. If you think you are perfect yourself, then all the rest is out of your control, as the Chinese saying claimed "谋事在人成事在天" |