以下是引用michellesung在2009-5-7 11:16:00的发言:hi, mitr_sg Could you share more about how about the career service provided by NUS ? My friend who is admitted this year by Europe schools, such as IESE, already receive some info receptions information of some famous firms from school. Therefore, for NUS, a famous school in Asia-Pacific, i would like to know how it helps students and how it digs out opporunity for us? thank you Hi, michellesung: I am NUS MBA of 2010. i can answer your question about Career sevices in NUS B-school. Career service (CS) in NUS B-school is very professional and well-organized. The staff of it are nice and prepared to help you. For example, CS organized a series of Career talks, Recruitment talks, and Interview skills and so on. I do not say every one of them is helpful for every one. But CS at least did them, at least better than CS in my undergraduate However, CS can only give you a means to end, but not the end. In order to having a job, you have to build your personal networking through informal activities. CS frequently organized such networking events. I knew our senior alumni mitr_sg at one of such events According to mouths of IMBA classmates from Peking university,  eking university CS is at buy-sider market while NUS CS is at sale-sider market (Consider MBA demand-supply relationship in CHINA). NUS CS staff is more nice and professional than those at Peking CS. and So far, at last both guys stay SG and those go back beijing can find a suitable and well-pay job. Hope it helps") |