以下是引用lsw在2008-1-13 7:13:00的发言:看到 NUS 今年real estate 方向的 MBA 项目单独申请,但是翻了一遍这个答疑贴中,还没有有关讨论的话题,我想多了解一些这个专业方面的信息,请了解的兄弟姐妹随便谈谈。 Is there anybody who can answer my question? I have more questions here:
1. I have read the names of courses of MBA-Real Estate carefully. Just from the names, I think the MBA-Real Estate is real estate financial direction, do I understand right?
2. There is a “1 integrative project (equivalent to 12 MCs)” content in the curriculum, what’s content of it? I think it must be a very important content in the curriculum and it is a good chance to practice the theories that students have learned from MBA-Real Estate.
3. The MBA-Real Estate has a very strong “MBA Real Estate Advisory Committee”, I have seen some very famous company name from the committee, for example: GIC real estate Pte Ltd, Ascendas Pte Ltd and Cuocoland Ltd etc. The question I want to ask is: Are there some good chance to understand these companies and even to get a job from them during the MBA life?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-15 6:15:57编辑过] |