关于我老米推荐信。是这样的,我收到的几个学校的申请表,有的要求推荐人填好装入信封并密封,这类是有acadmic performance和 capacity for original thinking 等的什么TOP 5%,TOP10%的等级评分。然后还有一份推荐表有:Comments relevant to candidate’s ability to work independently and to produce a thesis or dissertation at the required level 等等内容要推荐人写。这样是否要亲自给推荐人填呢?(因为自己好象不好填)。我的那个老米推荐人说: the second application also asks for me to fill out a form and for you to include it in your application letter. i recommend that you include a copy of my recommendation letter in all your applications and ask them to phone me or email me to verify my letter of recommendation. just make copies of the letter that i sent you!) 这个第二表就是指这个推荐表,如此看来。您说他的意思是否是要我自己填,然后付上他的复印推荐信,学校要是问,就叫他们联系他这样呢? 谢谢先哦!