以下是引用wei_wangyan在2007-4-12 17:49:00的发言:谁能帮忙解释一下B错误的具体原因是什么?谢谢! 是in 1999的位置?偶觉得这里没有歧义。还是with the sole intent that they will sell中的they有指代歧义? 正确选项C中的with the sole intent of selling也很奇怪,通常都是with the intent to do的。 sell在这里作不及物动词吗?那意思好像不太对,因为sell做不及物动词时主语通常是sth,意思是“卖出...”;如果作及物动词,A中有宾语的表达with the sole intent of selling them貌似更好一些。 请大家指点。
56. The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who register the Internet domain names of high-profile companies in hopes of reselling the rights to those names for a profit, led to passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seed up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later. A passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seed up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later. B the passage of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, which allows companies to seed up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent that they will sell C the passage in 1999 of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which allows companies to seed up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling D the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which was passed in 1999, and it allows companies to seek up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent to sell E the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, passed in 1999, and it allows companies to seek up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling 我手头的版本好象和版主的不同,怎么回事。我是用的破解版。该题e选项是: the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, passed in 1999 allowing companies to seek up to $100000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling 而且我看这e也很顺眼
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