以下是引用Jimoney在2007-4-20 10:50:00的发言:Question here: According to USnews, the 25%-75% private sector salary for fordham and bu graduates are 70k-125k and 110k-125k respectively. If fordham places half of the class in biglaw in NYC, why is there a huge difference in salary at the lower end ? is that those fordham graduates who couldn't get into biglaw fare far worse than that of bu graduates? what am i missing here. Thanks. good finding! you are right. the risk of going to a lower ranked school is that you cannot screw up your grades in law school. if you fall into the second half of the class, you are dead meat. (in law, we call it "a job in toliet law") if you are afraid of those hopeless law classes, go to the highest ranked school you can possibly go. |