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发表于 2007-3-31 16:08:00 | 只看该作者

这个题困扰偶很久,今天通过查字典与语法书,彻底说服自己选C(小结附后,仅供参考),如果版主能有“are, is不一样就不能省略的依据,请详细指点大家。谢谢。


1B中的it指代问题little of中的little是代词且是名词词组little of the polar ice的核心词,后面的it应指代little,逻辑不通;

跟不定式的用法be to do(来自Collins COBUILD字典)You use be with an infinitive to indicate that sth is planned to happen, that it will definitely happen, or that it must happen. 有主观上安排的含义,而原文是描述一客观现象。例如:

The talks are to begin tomorrow. 这样的含义用在该句中显然不符合逻辑,”if it melt”的形式才是正确的。

3or else的用法(来自Collins COBUILD字典): You use “or else” after stating a logical conclusion, to indicate that what you are about to say is evidence for that conclusion. 作连词,等于otherwise,后面跟虚拟语气,而且远比were it to do so简洁。

例句:They can’t be coming or else they would have called. 他们不会来,不然他们就打电话了。

原句的意思为:A比地球上任何其他地方接受的solar radiation都多,但温度却很低,冰层折射强,很少冰在夏天融化,不然海洋水位会上升250 feet并且淹没大部分大城市。



Bob hasn’t written his report, but he will soon.


而且语法书中给出一个类似的例子:Men can think, feel and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together and he in them. (后面省略了live,而前面是lives)

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-31 17:01:44编辑过]
发表于 2007-3-31 16:30:00 | 只看该作者

Antarctica receives more solar radiation than does any other place on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap is reflective, so that little polar ice melts during the summer; otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise 250 feet and engulf most of the world’s great cities.




2-从句子意思看,little of the ice melts和little ice melts是不同的。句子说温度如此冷以至于夏天很少有冰块融化,是B的意思,C的意思是不合理的。温度如此冷以至于小冰块融化。不对的吧?



发表于 2007-3-31 16:58:00 | 只看该作者

little在这里的意思是:little indicate that there is only a very small amount of sth.

I have little money and little free time.



字典上解释or else=otherwise(可表达与原文相同的含义,反而C中分号分开两个独立的句子,没有把原文句子之间的关系准确表达出来),是连词,不需要分号了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-31 16:59:23编辑过]
发表于 2007-3-31 16:59:00 | 只看该作者


我个人觉得B选项用were to do so是挺好的一个结构。
不能孤立的来看be to的问题。B选项中的be to是放在虚拟语气当中的,本身就取了与现实相反的含义,朗文给出的讲法是 used in conditional1(2) sentences about an imagined situation 




发表于 2007-3-31 17:01:00 | 只看该作者

还有or else


我觉得or else的问题不是对错的判断标准,完全可以;只是我认为B分号把前后两个句子隔开,从宏观上来看句子结构和层次都更清晰。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 1:12:52编辑过]
发表于 2007-4-1 14:06:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-1 23:55:00 | 只看该作者

请lz说说答案究竟是什么吧,觉得B中it指代是有问题,to do so显然代melts during summer, 如果it指little, 那与原意正好相反

该题有意思的还有未划线部分the temperatures are so cold,一般说the weather is so cold or the temperature is so low, 而且temperature 还用的复数,总之一道有意思的题

发表于 2007-4-2 01:06:00 | 只看该作者
俺来丢块砖吧:最初俺也是坚定地选择B,因为觉得is不能省略,可是B中的little of怎么都让我觉得不爽。于是查了一下词典,结果就和闹闹讲解的一样。其次,俺同意闹闹说的it的指代有问题。temperature和little ice共同构成后面的原因,怎是一个it指代得了的?最后,俺搜了一个句子,俺想作为闹闹章振邦新编英语语法解释的一个例子吧:

Antarctica receives more sun radiation than anywhere else on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap so reflective that minimal ice melt occurs each summer. Otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise by 250 feet and engulf most of the world's great cities.


发表于 2007-4-2 08:57:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tasteofbit在2007-4-2 1:06:00的发言:

Antarctica receives more sun radiation than anywhere else on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap so reflective that minimal ice melt occurs each summer. Otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise by 250 feet and engulf most of the world's great cities.


这简直就是这道题的翻版啊!or else=otherwise,随便哪个字典上都有讲。


发表于 2007-4-2 09:59:00 | 只看该作者

这题我也倾向于C了,不得不服闹闹——以前选B是因为把be动词省略原则记成必须同一主语了 今天特地翻了语法书才发现自己记错了。

1.关于it指代问题:A of B的结构中,没有说代词一定要指代核心词!所以我认为不能因为指代问题排除B——欢迎讨论


3.little of的用法觉的有错误,字典上没有little of的用法。


9 The investigations of many psychologist and anthropologists support the generalization of there being little that is a significant difference in underlying mental processes manifested by people from different culture.

A   of there being little that is a significant difference

B   of there being little that is significantly different

C   of little that is significantly different

D   that there is little that is significantly different

E   that there is little of significant differences

此题答案D  也是用了little而不是little of

4.were it to do so:此处是虚拟语气,if it were to do so。我认为错在were to do原因和闹闹讲得一样。

 附:Not Always Nice - glacier research

Such as that glacier in Alaska. When a glacier moves, it doesn't scrape across the ground like a toboggan on a dry spot. No one knows for certain what causes it to move at all, typically at a languorous pace. The most plausible explanation is that the sheer force of gravity causes the mass of ice to subtly change shape like cold molasses as it slumps along. But other forces may be at work when a glacier tears off at a gallop. "During a typical surge, glaciers appear to suffer from a failure of their internal plumbing," says Harrison. Normally, meltwater bubbles out from internal crevices and exits from a natural downspout at the glacier's base. But when the downspout is clogged, the meltwater backs up until the entire glacier surges down the slope on a thin layer of water and sediment.

The more puzzling question is why a common patch of ice is slippery. "That's still controversial," says Ashton. One theory is that pressure builds up within the ice and creates a thin film of water that greases the surface. Another is that ice emits vapor, so that other solids actually float, rather than slide, along the surface. A third possibility is that the top atomic layer of ice is disordered so the atoms act like a box of marbles and let other solids slide across them.

Ice remains a source of mystery because of the unruly behavior of [H.sub.2]O molecules. In gas form, they behave as individuals, single and fancy-free. As water, they form a complicated, ever changing lattice with ties that continuously snap, reconnect, and snap again. As ice, the molecules assume a crystal formation, placing themselves farther away from each other, and even though these bonds are relatively stationary, they are easily broken. Unlike most solids, ice liquefies under pressure even at subzero temperatures and refreezes as soon as the pressure is lifted. Hence a loop of wire can be pulled through a solid block of ice and the ice will immediately refreeze behind it. This process of regelation--thawing and refreezing according to variance in pressure rather than temperature--takes place inside a glacier all the time. But the exact dynamics of such shape-shifting have eluded scientists.

[H.sub.2]O molecules perform a host of other tricks when they bond together as ice. To begin with, the molecular structure expands by a volume of 9 percent as it freezes, creating a solid bigger and lighter than water. Plus, in the process of bonding, the molecules force out other substances. As seawater freezes, the ice crystals expel droplets of concentrated brine that are eventually pulled down by gravity into the water below, leaving the ice at the top 99 percent pure. In fact, Eskimos depend on sea ice as their source of fresh water.

Pure ice is transparent, but the air bubbles in fresh snow reflect light, a fact that is essential to life as we know it. Antarctica receives more sun radiation than anywhere else on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap so reflective that minimal ice melt occurs each summer. Otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise by 250 feet and engulf most of the world's great cities.

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