以下是引用alohame在2007-3-31 21:37:00的发言:每个学校不一样,BU允许没有工作经验的学生申请,但是我好想没在这个版里看见有申请BU的,不知道为什么。 没有工作经验的,你想申请任何一个学校都没有人拦你,只是录取的可能性很小.今年申请BU的人非常多,我被BU给WL了,我发信去问了原因,后来他们给我回邮件了,这里是原话. I know that it is not easy to ask for feedback. Your application was strong in many ways. You have a strong GMAT score and undergraduate record. Your interview and English were both very good. The concern that the Admission Committee had with your application is that you don't have a lot of work experience. A large part of the experience in the MBA classroom is that students learn a great deal from each other and contribute frequently to the classroom discussion.
因为我当时已经收到其他学校的OFFER了,所以也没去努力从WL上下来, 我一共申请5个学校,两个没有给OFFER,我都去问了为什么,回答都一样:其他都很好,就是工作经验太短.(入学前2年). 回LS,BU是boston university.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-1 22:35:48编辑过] |