以下是引用neohawk在2007-3-26 12:18:00的发言:我也想请老虎,虫子以及各位牛牛们帮我分析一下,有点感觉走到了人生的十字路口。 先说一下基本情况,本科Engineering Physics, PhD major in Nuclear Engineering, minor in Materials Sciences and Engineering。其实是人在核工系,做的全是材料的东西。但这却也给我带来很多麻烦。本来无论核工还是金属材料都不大好找工作,我这种交叉就更不好找,两边都不待见。找了大半年,除了一个让我回国的公司外啥也没找到。于是很frustrated,research做得不错,老板想让我去实验室做postdoc,所以也不赞成和不帮我找工业界的工作,但实验室的postdoc一个萝卜一个坑加上现在钱都拿去打仗了没钱做基础研究,于是等了很久也没有opening。因为老婆反对我这么回国,觉得跟国内的人比没什么太多竞争力,所以在去年九月跟让我回国的公司谈崩后就想到了转行,想着反正等postdoc,就干脆抽些时间考LSAT好了(主要受老婆影响,她是法本)。12月考的,考得不怎么样,165。然后就申请,现在为止最好的offer是USC(收到的几个学校没有一个给钱的,晕倒)。这段时间闲下来了开始认认真真的考虑以后真的应该怎么走。 1: 做postdoc,可能还得先在我老板那里过渡一阵等national lab有了坑才过得去,但现在转staff太难了,我师姐做了快5年postdoc了,据她说她们ORNL 10年内才转了一个postdoc到staff。感觉没前途,好处是不需要再费什么劲,慢慢干下去就好了。 2:读这个JD,就像前面有人说的,就像一场赌博,赢了还好,输了就惨的一塌糊涂。毕竟不是T14,估计得前三分之一什么的才能去Biglaw,这个谁能保证一定做得到呀,再加上我英语也就一般般,跟老美们比又是一个大劣势。要是去不了Biglaw甚至找不到工作,15,6万的债务都能把我弄死。而且就象二楼说的这就是条不归路。而且我还担心我这种专业背景做patent好找工作吗?感觉要什么EE/CS, BIOz之类的才好找。而且我没有绿卡,不知道H1能不能考patent bar,要是不能岂不是完全被screwed了。希望象Lilac说的那样H1就能。 当然要是一切顺利能进Biglaw,以后或者接着干或者做inhouse倒是也不错,就不知道这种顺利的几率能有多大。 3:第三条路就是想办法去读个金融硕士去投行。我这种试验背景,几年没编过程序,也没怎么学数学了的人直接去估计没戏。可以考虑先去读个金融硕士再去。但朋友们都反对,说是现在去投行的人太多,跟当年去cs的有一批,要是经济有点不好估计会很不稳定等等。 大侠们给我出出主意吧,这段时间在不停的思想斗争。确实是个事关重大的决定呀,可能就决定了后半辈子怎么过。 first of all, I am not NN at all. Same as you, I am going to law school for career change. I was puzzled like you two years ago debating what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. My choice I gave to myself was medical school or law school. ( I already eliminated other choices before these two.) I was much slower than you to start preparing LSAT and applying law school though. I know a lot of people who went to medical school with a biology background. However, I only have a few friends directly who are on these track. I have a friend who did a llm here and went back China. She didn't think it was a good idea to go to law school. (BTW, I genuinely admire people who came directly from China to law school for LLM degree. I found it hard for even science major in graduate school without so high standard for language. ) I believe you will do just fine no matter which path you choose according to your academic background. To go to law school, or not go to law school, that is the question. However, this is the question that no one can give an answer except you. You are the only who knows yourself better than anyone else. Follow your heart. What I found useful when I was making decision, was that, thinking hypothetically if I won the lottery, what I want to do for my life. Some suggestions: 1) I think you can actually find a technical assistant position in a law firm. 2) try to audit some law school class to see if you like it. Usually law school open house will include a class you can audit. 3) I think law school education is worth the time and money if you are not going to practice.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-27 3:57:38编辑过] |