以下是引用usdusaj在2003-11-10 14:17:00的发言: 大家都知道在中国工资收入不是主要收入,只是身份的象征 So if you work in Minkensy China, can you also get other money rather than salary and bonus? 愿闻其祥。
I think so. I worked with two AA people in Shanghai, and observed how two tax consultants made $170,000 in 48 hours.
Usually, senior consultant use their firm's brand name to market themselves. Many small company would pay (at lower rate) to get their services, and sometimes hire them to sit on the board.
Many of my friends working for top U.S companies in Shanghai only making 3 to 6k rmb per month, less than a 街道办事员 who's salary is 2.5k but bonus every month with much of the expense covered.
Many U.S firms have hired the best employees, but only paying them with second class salary. Thus, don't expect much corporate loyalty.
As said in many Chinese stories, one could only develop loyalty by treating his people well and with sincere.