以下是引用深海的小美人鱼在2003-11-5 23:27:00的发言:178. Although it was expected that workers under forty would show hostility to the plan, the research report indicates that both younger and the older people approve of governmental appropriations for Social Security. (A) younger and the older people (B) younger people and the older (C) the younger and the older people (D) younger and older people (E) people who are younger and those who are older key  , I think it should be C the younger and the older people 冠词the表示特指。而句意中没有这个意思。句中是泛指
这帮年轻的和老的人在前面不是以经提到了么(黑体的工人们),由於the younger and the older people 指的就是前面的那帮人,所以我选了有THE的,各位大虾指点迷津?