以下是引用joewoo198256在2007-2-28 19:48:00的发言:To coffemug 本人目前在中国电信工作,是大客户部的客户经理,截至今年8月就有两年的工作经验,准备申请08年入学。Gmat780(AWA5.5),Toefl650,主要的实践经历是新东方学校的讲师,曾担任考研阅读,雅思阅读和BEC Higher的阅读主讲。 我主要担心自己的背景不是Stern的typical type,not strong enough compared to NN。想请教我这样的背景申请Stern是否合适,机会又有多大。 谢了先。 Hi, I'm another Stern MBA1 from China this year. Your experience is actually quite interesting! You've got qualified numbers and working experience, i don't see any obstacles in your application. Most people are here to switch careers, not finance people to get a finance degree. So just have a try! |