C,D中的that指代不明,排除,(还有其他错误)。 E 看到(evidence) of support for,排除。 你有点困惑的也许是A,B。
A: A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence supporting the theory of global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago.
B: A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence supporting the theory that global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago.
弄清楚结构,这句话应该是 A recent study (of ancient clay deposits) has provided new evidence {supporting the theory[ that global forest fires( ignited by a meteorite impact)] contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago}. 黑体的是整个句子的主干,红色的是从句里的主谓宾。