以下是引用dandan74在2003-11-3 13:11:00的发言: 还有两道题,放在一起,我们把不定式的时态问题解决吧! 以下copy from another post. 19. Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting. (A) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother (B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother (C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered (D) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to have bothered (E) in addition, caffeine did not seem to bother 答案分别为 D, B。
答案是什么呢? 我倾向于选C。D应该是错的 因为这里是转折语气。 |