GMAT & GRE are of course important, they are not important only when you have some exceptional bonuses such as papers and >10 working experience.
Singapore's professors care more about test score, they consider 750+ (GMAT) to be a qualified candidate mainly because most of them did have such a high score before.
GPA是3.5out of 4.学校不是牛校(只是全国重点院校),本科排名第一。应该算是有个excellent academic background,发的文章有关数学建模的6篇,硕士相关的一篇,是国内核心期刊,但全都是中文的。竞赛都是全国性质的。唉本来就有硬伤(学校不知名),现在GT也搞成这样,我已经跟教授表示由于准备精算考试使得投入的时间有限,而且说非常希望能够再参加一次GMAT,我准备3月底考(担心又匆忙的报了,没有足够的时间和精力),就怕到时成绩到了也只能用于下一次申请了。。唉。。大家觉得现在是不是应该全力考试,别再打扰人家了。。安心考个好GMAT的再说吧。。今年算是白忙活了。。谢谢大家的回帖,大家根据我的情况给我点建议吧。
I think LZ should take a look at the background of b-school phd students. Most of them have a master degree in us or uk or ca or somewhere outside china and you can surely learn from the fact.
I just mean it is more likely to get admitted with us master than with chinese ba or ma(mostly because of the useless chinese recommendations). We can find some guys graduating from shandong university or xiamen university or zhongshan university get top10 finance offers. Are those school the normal school you mean?(I am not sure). However, all of them have ma degrees from us. That is what I wanna say.