以下是引用whatapain在2007-1-30 2:36:00的发言: 好学校verbal 都要90%以上的,这你应该知道吧,兄弟?
如果GRE和GMAT这样同等换算的话,但考GRE太亏了,GRE Verbal 650 90%,对于中国人考这个分数太难了. 如果Writing也要90%的话,那只能考满分了. 如果我考GMAT,觉得是完全可以上700的,只是现在来不及了. BTW: 看UCI的要求: Offcial score on the GMAT or GRE sent directly from the ETS. You are also encouraged to submit an unofficial GMAT or GRE score copy if it is available. Test scores older than September 2002 are not accepted. A total GMAT score of 700/94% or above is strongly recommended for a competitive application. A total GRE score of 1300 or above for only the verbal and quantitative components is strongly recommended for a competitive application. GRE 1300,Q 800, V只要500. 不知道各个学校在GRE和GMAT之间怎么换算? |