Congratulations to you! I believe you will choose Stanford instead of Wharton 5.1 Columbia失败的可能原因有三点:一是作为我申请的第一所学校essay写的不好、不成熟。当时没有找太多人帮忙把关,后来再申请其他学校的时候回头再看Columbia的essay,明显感觉缺乏passion;二是面试后出了些意外。Columbia是校友面试,规定面试一周内要把interivew report交给学校,然而面试后过了2、3周学校都没有收到report。于是我就去催了那个校友几次,后来他说家里出事儿了,不久我就被拒了... 不知道是否有必然联系;三是Columbia非常看重申请人对Columbia的忠诚度,如果感觉申请人不一定会去Columbia,一定会把其据掉的,这也是可能的原因之一。 I have similar experience with you regarding application for Columbia. I sent a letter to remind my interviewer 2 weeks after the interview. And then I got dinged 3 days after the interview report was sent over to the school. Haha ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em14.gif)
My friend also told me that it's not a professional way to chase interviewer for the report. And I think that's a possible reason of being rejected by Columbia. Same as you, the result of Columbia was the first one of the three schools I applied in R1. I was so depressed and just like what you did, I started writing essays for R2 until a week later, when the admission letter from Wharton eased my pain. Such experience also taught me that the application process is like a game of matching. No absolute rule for a winner! |