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发表于 2003-10-29 03:17:00 | 只看该作者


One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as President was to rescind President Carter’s directive that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries.
(A) that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States be prohibited from sale to other countries
(B) that any chemical be prohibited from sale to other countries that was banned on medical grounds in the United States
(C) prohibiting the sale to other countries of any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States
(D) prohibiting that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the United States is sold to other countries
(E) that any chemical banned in the United States on medical grounds is prohibited from being sold to other countries

153.    At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards.
(A) land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards
(B) land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards
(C) land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership
(D) land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the Spaniards
(E) land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards
这里的to what又是何解呢?谢谢大虾

315.    Framed by traitorous colleagues, Alfred Dreyfus was imprisoned for twelve years before there was exoneration and his freedom.
(A) there was exoneration and his freedom
(B) he was to be exonerated with freedom
(C) being exonerated and freedom
(D) exoneration and his freedom
(E) being freed, having been exonerated
答案是c,请问这里后面跟着得and freedom做的是什么成份?
发表于 2003-10-29 05:29:00 | 只看该作者
1,按OG100的解释,是否A中的prohibit from sale 应该是prohibit from saling 才对?

2,propose a return to..., to ... 同位语。

B中a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards的and 你是否觉得特别扎眼?本来的一句话变成了2部分,而且还不平行。更重要的是,and的存在使得respected 短语修饰form, 而不是ownership.

3,答案C你打错了,应该是freed. 这题主要考对称和省略。

885 seca-1 第一题和它类似,后面是大家以前的讨论:
    1,Revered by an ill-informed citizenry, the Duke of York was feted opulently for several months before there was denunciation and exile.
(A) there was denunciation and exile
(B) he was to be denounced with exile
(C) being denounced and exiled
(D) denunciation and his exile    
(E) being exiled, having been denounced

denunce 和 exile要对称,其他选项都没对称
before后肯定可以省略,a不清,e乱,d不对称,排除;b可以混淆一下,先看意思,de--指责,exile--驱逐,de with exile,被指责并着驱逐,别扭,另,即使用了,excile要加冠词,排除。
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