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发表于 2003-10-28 22:40:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2003-10-28 22:59:00 | 只看该作者


I.awa issue catagories I summarized.
II. zhuangzi argument and issue. You can also find them in the website of neworiental.
III. Idioms
IV.other useful link

I. issue categories
A. C. Art and Society (51)
Education (14)
12. Education as the key to success
102.advanced degree and the formal education are rarely relevant to one's success
125. Life-long education
119. those who have strong technology skills need not go to college

23. should our schools teach valuess
28. should schools teach consumerism
37. education-science vs. art and humanities
62. education-teaching about the human community
122. school should not teach specialized IT, instead, it should teach more general
94. teaching self-discipline or self-esteem to kids
135. in business course, professors should teach only factual information and skills, not ethnics

98. conventional learning and long-distance learning
99. maintaining a competitive educational system
139. which is better for students: structured environment or free atmosphere

Effect of technology (7)
8. monetary system: technology
20. importance of machine
101. automobile: beneficial or harmful
53. user-unfriendly systems in today's society
107. the goal of IT industry is to help people to learn how to obtain information
111. the overall quality of life has never been better than present due to technology separates and alienates people

Art, lifestyle reflect social values (7)
16. public architecture as a reflection of society
78. the historic values of older buildings
83. how buildings shape us
32. advertisements as reflections of a nation's ideas
96. museums indicate social valuess
104. nation's values: scientific and artistic achievements vs. business
130. we can learn more about a society by how people spend their leisure time than how they work

Environment conservation (5)
2.Energy sources and international effort
13. responsibility of government for preserving the natural environment
41. penalties for damaging the natural environment
47. responsibility of government for preventing environmental damage
137. restriction on access should be made to protect national parks and historical sites

Effect of globalization (4)
40. our role: citizens of the world or the nation
65. Multinational corporations and global homogeneity
105. Remaining treasures in their original countries
113. All nations should investment in space station

Advertisement (3)
44. investing in high-quality advertising to gain benefits
85. Advertising as influential art
86.advertising-appealing to emotion vs. reason

Macromedia and society (3)
54. Commercial success of films and TV programs: violence and obscenity
134. Macromedia have the right to contact potential customers
138. do macromedia stifle intellectual curiosity

The importance of history (2)
43. the importance of studying history
89. studying history: a waste of time?

Sensitive social problems (6)
15. children and internet adult material
95. employing young children is harmful

82. meeting women's needs in the workplace
97. sex discrimination in business

88. accepting blame for hateful actions and words

38. Endangered everyday courtesy 礼貌

B. Business (51)
Recruit, incentive and rewarding: (10)
19. recruitment: business courses vs. broad background
21. rewarding employees
27. employees' job satisfaction and security
48. assessing personality traits in hiring employees
72. effects of employee incentives
123. company should make employees make long-time commitment
92. following order: employees' real loyalty?
127. most valuable employees are those concerning efficiency rather than quality
129. objective information is more informative than subjective interviews
128. organizations should rely on inside advice

Business and society (7)
66. products should be made safe
35. short-sighted as a business disease
90. products that don't last waste resources
117. society depends more on the success of small business rather than that of larger one
58. the final objective of business: make more time for people
59. business's social duty regarding juvenile crime
84. informing customers about products and services

Profit vs. ethnics (6)
18. making money vs. serving society
64. goal of business: profit vs. public warfare
42. reacting to changing environmental standards
45. ethical business conduct and maximizing profits
70. ethical constraints in creating and marketing products
110. the most effective business leaders should maintain the highest ethical standard

Teamwork vs. individual ability (6)
5. decision-making in an organization
25. hiring capable people as a key business strategy
36. teamwork vs. individual commitment
69. the ability to work well other employees
106. efficient way to assign task to employees is divide
115. all employees should help plan to use profit

Performance evaluation (5)
50. responding to employee performance
60. assess to personal information about employees
108. employees should not have full access to their own personnel files
109. all personnel evaluation should be multidirectional.
133. employees should not evaluate their supervisors' performance

Leadership (4)
32. earning respect as a leader
76.decision-making and effective leadership
124. effective leaders can solve complex question in a simple way
132. leadership is more valuable for a manager than expertise and experience

Freedom vs. restriction in workplace (4)
68. workplace design and employee input
93. freedom and restriction
120. formality in dress should be addressed
136. companies should allow employees express their feelings through internal email

Personal life and work (4)
9. personal lives of employees
17. time management and flexibility
30. should employees take work home
67. how work affects our personal lives

Key for success (3)
26. location: still the key to business success
51. is competition good for a business
56. the secret of business: know more things

Organizational behavior (2)
3. flat or pyramid organization
14. an organization of a clear hierarchy

C. Government (17)
Governments' responsibilities: and TV censorship;
91. establishing regulations to ensure public health

13. responsibility of government for preserving the natural environment
47. responsibility of government for preventing environmental damage

22. responsibility of government for arts
116. government should provide funding for the art, but only for those reflecting the majority's values

24. power and influence-business vs. government
46. bureaucracy's impact in business and government
63. bureaucracy of government alienates citizen
61. government as a necessary burden on business
71. imposing limits on commercialism
131 self-regulating will be better for businesses than government regulating
87. workers are responsible for unemployment: technology and adjusting to job obsolescence

34. mandatory public service
100. legislative action is more effective than consumer action
118. people loyalty to political parties hind forming their own opinions
126. to stop more serious crimes, law should enforced to penalty minor crimes

D. Personal Life (22)
Success of individual (9)
6. the definition of success
11. personal failing of great achievers
39. professional success and personal sacrifices
49. hard work as the key to success
52. achieving success by setting goals
74. rule-breakers: the most memorable people
75. the motivating forces of self-interest and fear
77. the test for true genius
81. success and non-conformists

Individual viewpoint (13)
10.process vs. product
29. focusing on the task rather than the result process and life goal advice to other people
55. never tell people how to do things

4. power of restraint
73. following one's instincts
79. social skills as purchasable commodities
80. our saving and borrowing habits
121. the way an idea is presented is more important than itself to impact on people
31. financial gain as a factor in choosing a career
57. respecting one another's differences
112. people soon tire of the status quo: shifting theoretical position

analysis of issues

1. 媒体审查:政府或其他团体
2. 能源保护:国际领导和世界合作
3. 公司运作:取消基于经验技能的工资和级别差
4. 权利节制:给人印象深刻
5. 公司运作:群体责任制的团队 / 个体集权责任制
6. 个人成功:按照自己的方式生活
7. 建议忠告:最佳模式 知人所需,并助之获得
8. 货币体系改革:电子信贷记账 / 纸币
9. 管理:员工私生活和工作场地的分离
10. 企业运作的过程比最终产品重要
11. 成功人氏的成就比个人缺点过失重要
12. 教育 / 财富与金钱:生活成功的最有力保证要素
13. 自然环境保护: 个人 / 政府
14. 公司结构:层级制和分工 / 违背人性结构
15. 国际合作:限制儿童进入成年人网络信息
16. 公共建筑物反映社会态度和价值
17. 时间管理:日计划和长期计划 / 弹性
18. 公司与社会:赢利目的 / 社会义务 的冲突不可避免
19. 招募毕业生雇员:商学课程 / 历史文学哲学
20. 机器和人:人类成为机器的从属 / 机器改善生活
21. 管理:雇员工资和工作安全感 员工表现 / 服务年限
22. 政府对艺术支持的责任,但不应该对有价值艺术限制
23. 学校教育:学术技能 / 伦理和社会价值的传播
24. 强力企业领导比任何政府官员更对社区和国家影响
25. 企业管理最佳策略:知人善用,授之以权
26. 企业运作:场地的重要不随技术进步而变化
27. 公司长期成功以来员工工作安全感和满足感
28. 学校教育:广泛购物前决策训练 / 高质广告低劣产品
29. 成功关键:具体任务的处理 / 结果的担忧
30. 雇员加班不好
31. 财政收入是择业最重要因素
32. 国家理念和广告
33. 领导品质:具备处理他人处理问题的能力被接受
34. 市民参与公共服务利己利国
35. 企业短期行为
36. 企业过渡强调团队重要,精力充沛有重任个体作用
37. 学校教育:科技 / 艺术和人文
38. 礼仪在日常交往中迅速丧失,人们礼仪不良
39. 职业成功和个人生活重要方面的牺牲
40. 世界公民和具体国家公民意识
41. 环境保护:刑法
42. 企业公司潜在环境危害与产品和工艺调整
43. 学习历史:解决当今社会问题的线索/ 优化社会和人
44. 广告:大量投资
45. 企业利润最大化最佳模式:伦理标准
46. 企业官僚对害处大于政府官僚
47. 环境保护责任:政府 / 个人或私营机构
48. 员工招募:前工作经验,教育背景 / 人品,工作习惯
49. 成功关键: 艰苦工作
50. 监工对员工的批评:恶言 威吓?
51. 竞争对手对企业总有好处?
52. 成功人士的下一个目标:
53. 友善界面:服务,体系 友善 / 不友善
54. 商业利益影响娱乐:浅薄,猥亵, 暴力影视原因
55. 不要告诉别人如何做,只告诉做什么
56. 企业秘诀:知人所不知
57. 人们越来越尊重个体差异
58. 企业最终目标:使生活机械,省时,做其它事
59. 企业帮助阻止青少年犯罪
60. 雇员私人信息,雇主未经同意不得获得
61. 政府是企业的必要负担
62. 教育忽视人类群体同性,关注国家间独特差异
63. 政府官僚加剧,人们愈加疏远政府
64. 企业目的:利润 / 社会福祗
65. 跨国公司兴起导致全球同化
66. 产品责任:制造商对一切产品伤害赋有法律,财政责任
67. 工作影响个人生活:兴趣,闲暇,及业余装束
68. 工作环境影响生产力和士气,雇员有权决定工作场地设计
69. 雇员品质:与人相处 / 专业技能
70. 不违法的产品促销是否合乎伦理标准?
71. 商业渗入学校圣地,国家应加限制
72. 公司对员工激励措施利弊
73. 我行我素:遵循本能和自然
74. 违归的人最易被人记忆
75. 两种刺激:兴趣和恐惧
76. 领导决策能力最重要最难
77. 天才品质之一:超越传统
78. 建筑问题:古建筑的占地的现代用途的冲突
79. 如糖和咖啡等商品可被购买,与人相处能力容易获得,但比世间任何其它商品更有价值。
80. 借钱和存钱
81. 企业运作:遵循传统思维做法不能长久成功 或 致富
82. 女权问题:企业和政府尽力满足女性工作需求,实现目标
83. 建筑问题:建筑与人
84. 企业:没有责任提供顾客完全产品信息,顾客自己负责
85. 广告:二十世纪最有影响力,最重要的艺术成就
86. 广告:诉诸感情而非理性最有效
87. 失业:技术和服务变化导致,工人而非政府企业负责
88. 伦理:恶言恶行,无人反对,人人受责
89. 历史:浪费时间,不能集中当今挑战
90. 产品:不耐久产品浪费自然和人力资源
91. 广告:侵犯人权,政府限制 / 企业接触潜在顾客权利
92. 环境:政府规定降低消除无完全科学根据的潜在环境危害
93. 员工:支持经理和公司政策无论对错
94. 员工:企业信任员工并授予自由,限制性奖惩制度不利士气和企业成功
95. 儿童:自律 / 自尊
96. 童工:企业雇佣童工错误,即使家庭受益
97. 博物陈列与社会崇尚
98. 女权

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-28 23:02:36编辑过]
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