1. Because the enemy’s new ship is the quietest and it is therefore the most elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed by the military as a threat to security. (A) and it is therefore the most elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed (B) it is therefore the most elusive of submarines, and it has increased the view (C) and therefore the most elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed (D) and therefore it is the most elusive of submarines, there is an increasing view (E) therefore being the most elusive of submarines, it is increasingly viewed c为正确答案 可是这里的because和therefore 可以连用么? 同样的题海有170题 Because the financial review covered only the last few fiscal years, and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible earlier overpayments. (A) and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible (B) so therefore the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of (C) therefore the investigators were unable to determine the possible extent of (D) the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of (E) the investigators were unable to determine the extent of possible 如果上题的C可以,为什么这道题的A选项不可以为正确答案呢? 希望大家踊跃发言,指点迷津哦! 
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-30 3:13:53编辑过] |