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发表于 2006-11-17 23:34:00 | 只看该作者


Advances in photocopying technology allow criminals with no printing expertise to counterfeit paper currency. One standard anticounterfeiting technique, microprinting, prints paper currency with tiny designs that cannot be photocopied distinctly. Although counterfeits of microprinted currency can be detected easily by experts, such counterfeits often circulate widely before being detected. An alternative, though more costly, printing technique would print currency with a special ink. Currency printed with the ink would change color depending in how ordinary light strikes it, whereas photocopied counterfeits of such currency would not. Because this technique would allow anyone to detect photocopied counterfeit currency easily, it should be adopted instead of microprinting, despite the expense.

4.     Which one of the following, if true, provides the most support for the recommendation made by the argument?

(A) When an anticounterfeiting technique depends on the detection of counterfeits by experts, the cost of inspection by experts adds significantly to the cost to society of that technique.

(B) For any anticounterfeiting technique to be effective, the existence of anticounterfeiting techniques should be widely broadcast, but the method by which counterfeits are detected should be kept secret.

(C) The process of microprinting paper currency involves fewer steps than does the printing of paper currency with the special ink.

(D) Before photocopying technology existed, most counterfeits of paper currency were accomplished by master engravers.A

(E) Many criminals do not have access to the advanced photocopiers that are needed to produce counterfeits of microprinted paper currency that cashiers will accept as real.

不懂為什麼答案選A , 可不可以解釋一下  解題的步驟  謝謝

11.   The Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is based on a law that allows developers to use land inhabited by endangered species in exchange for a promise to preserve critical habitat or provide replacement land nearby. Some individuals of endangered species are lost in return for assurances by the owner or developer that habitat for those remaining animals will be protected. Environmentalists are pleased that HCPs allowed them to win concessions from developers who would otherwise ignore rarely enforced environmental laws. Satisfied property owners prefer HCPs to more restrictive prohibitions of land use.

The situation described above most closely conforms to which one of the following


(A) In order to avoid protracted legal battles environmentalists should compromise with developers.

(B) Developers should adhere only to those environmental laws that are not overburdensome.

(C) Laws should not be designed to serve the interests of all the parties concerned since they are often so weak that no one’s interest is served well.

(D) Laws should be fashioned in such a way as to reconcile the interests of developers and environmentalists.D

(E) The most effective means of preserving endangered species is to refrain from alienating property owners.

有點看不懂這一題  想請翻譯一下  謝謝

发表于 2006-12-8 14:46:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-12-9 02:37:00 | 只看该作者

The 2nd one is  D.

Both are quite straightforward, I think maybe you didnt get stim.

The 1st one is comparing two methods of making paper money,  Micro printing can easily  detect conterfeits (fakes) by experts but not an average person, and special ink can enable anybody to recognize conterfeits but more expesive than  microprinting. The speical ink printing is recommended.

You job is to strengthen the recommendation.

In a comprative stim, the strengthen or weaken usually invovles either showing a strength of one method or a shortcoming depending on the task. And that's what A is, showing microprinting has a shortcoming.

The other 4 are typical fillers, stating some facts cannot be interpreted as strength or shortcoming.

The 2nd one is that HCP makes comprimises with developers in allowing them develop some areas while setting aside part of if as natural habitat. HCP is preferred by delvelopers and enviromentalists. It is a strengthen_principle question, and D does the job. The only confusing answer could be A, but legal battle is not the focus here.


发表于 2019-4-13 02:52:45 | 只看该作者
wawa0916 发表于 2006-11-17 23:34
Advances in photocopying technology allow criminals with no printing expertise to counterfeit paper  ...


假鈔基本上有兩種防止偽造的方式, 第一種, 微度影印, 簡稱微印, 雖然這種偽造方式很容易被專家發現, 但是在被發現之前, 通常都已經大量流通在市場上面了 (筆者目前在尼加拉瓜, 就像是在中美洲許多小國家, 偽造的美金流通猖獗, 而其實這種偽造美金的品質通常都是粗製濫造, 應該沒有像是尖峰時刻2成龍跟老黑在拉斯維加斯追查的偽鈔品質還好), 第二種呢, 雖然成本較高, 是使用一種特殊墨水來印製, 而不同的光度反射可以讓顏色辨別鈔票的真假, 當然, 第一種偽造的鈔票是遠達不到這種效果的. 因為第二種墨水的轉換可以讓任何人去更容易地發現鈔票真假, 所以, 不管成本以及開銷為何, 我們要使用這種方式而不是微印的方式。

結論為何?  結論是, 不管開銷, 我們要使用第二種防止偽造鈔票的方式。

題目要你找一個最能夠支持結論的選項, 我們先來看所有錯的選項

b. 為了要讓反偽鈔的技術運作有效, 我們要偷偷的讓技術廣為流傳

- 幹, 偷偷的不偷偷的, 流傳得不流傳的, 有效不有效的, 這個成龍也會告訴你, 他看得出來b 不是答案

c. 微度影印的製造步驟比更換墨水影印鈔票的步驟少了幾步

- 不管他是不是少了幾步, 少了一百步也好, 少了五十步也好, 選項沒有回答道argument的中心點

d. 微度影印科技存在以前, 有大師級的人物製造幾乎所有的假鈔

- 想一下一個類比, 再有喬丹鞋問世之前, 所有人都穿converse 打球, 便宜易取得, 但是容易紐腳踝, 有喬丹鞋出現後, 因為高筒的設計, 所以球員腳踝扭到機率下降許多,  所以所有後衛想要在場上場場大三元, 不論成本, 應該換穿李寧... (誤!)應該換穿喬丹才對。

轉換一下 d 選項, 喬丹鞋存在以前, 有大師級人物製造幾乎所有的converse.  

( 你看得出來d選項為何不對了嗎?)

e. 很多罪犯無法取得製作微度影印的印表機, 而這個印表機是絕對需要的, 因為拿製造出來的假鈔去買可樂的時候, 便利店店員不但會收下, 還會問你要不要多購買三包萬寶路可以換集點貼紙。

那只能代表第一種製造偽鈔的方式有很多罪犯無法達成, 是無法代表第二種防止製造偽鈔的方式不會不成功, 如果題目問你便利店hello kitty 公仔能不能被罪犯幫女朋友搜集走, 這選項可能可以考慮。


A. 當我們需要專家來判別反偽鈔技術的檢驗的時候, 花在專家檢驗上的成本會大幅度地增加在使用那個社會的誰會成本.

第一種微度影印的方式是可以被專家輕易地發現, 但是不管是輕易, 簡單, 還是困難, 用專家就是要錢, 就像你在加州公寓的馬桶堵住, 不管是衛生紙, 衛生棉, 遙控器, 頭髮, 甚至是保險套也好, 你找人來通馬桶一次就是兩百元, 馬桶先生不會告訴你因為衛生紙比較好通所以只算你五十元, 意思是, 如果第一種方式都要找專家了都要花錢了, 現在我們換墨水可能會花上其餘成本, 但是便利店店員馬上可以告訴你可樂買不成點數集不到公仔搜集不到女友會不爽, 為什麼, 因為便利店電燈的光源可以檢驗鈔票在某些角度的顏色, 就算多花成本, 有差嗎?

既然都要花錢, 為什麼不花在刀口上呢?
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