以下是引用ssophie在2005-2-27 19:45:00的发言:solome :不知现在再回贴是否有帮助,我做49题时是通过be known to do sth为切入点,且be通常省略。 以下know as 与know to 的用法供参考。
1.know somebody/something as something : to have a particular name example: The main street between the castle and the palace is known as 'the Royal Mile'. 2.know somebody as something example:Many people knew him as a local businessman. 3.be known to do something: example:Smoking is known to increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer. 4.know somebody/something to be something example:It's a story that I know to be true. source DOCE 我的愚见: known A as B: 那么A=B(可能B的外延大一点但是基本和A是对等的): Many people knew him as a local businessman.------〉him 就是一个 a local busi In some parts of the United States, the lynx is known as a puma.---------〉lynx就是puma A和B一般都是n。 经常使用的一个缩写A.K.A(also known as):n1, A.K.A n2, v...........也说明A和B是基本相等的两个东西。 know A to be B: B > A。B的内涵可以比A大得多,以至于绝对不是相等的: It's a story that I know to be true.---------〉这个story属于true的东西,但是true的东西多了。实际上B是在修饰A,这句如果不是要表达我知道这个含义,完全可以写成It's a true story。 同时know A to be B也可以和know A as B表达差不多的意思: Also she knew Shill to be a toper and, when in his cups, a man of violence. 尽管如此似乎known as比较常用 Known to do,看了很多文章,极少(我是没有)见到known as+doing的,known as就像是给一个东西下定义,不能把一个n.定义为v.ing吧。如果要表达人们知道什么东西在做什么,就应该用known to do,这样不但合乎语法、逻辑,还简洁。 同时似乎GMAT中如果出现都符合语法的情况,不定式较动名词/现在分词一般也是个优选项 如:the time required to assemble...就比the time required for the assembling of....优先(见OG11-44)。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-31 12:48:02编辑过] |