以下是引用actican在2006-11-1 23:23:00的发言:由于分别在国内及国外各一所大学取得学历证书及学位. 目前在申请学校时提供Official transcripts( or certified copies)两所学校的做法不同. 国外是直接将学位证书及成绩表上加盖学校公章然后放入信封封好就行,是certified copies. 我以为国内也一样,但国内是出具一个证明(文字形式的)而非毕业时的成绩表原样, 现在不知如何是好,因请人代办,当时办理时不知是这样的,所以想急问大家你们做的Offical transcripts( or certified copies)都是什么样的呀??? You need to ask the school you are applying for. Different universities do use different formats for transcripts. I think as long as it is from the school you attended originally, it will be fine.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-2 6:32:12编辑过] |