以下是引用tonychu1975在2006-11-15 22:26:00的发言:Dear Singapore CDers, I have a great news want to share with you, in order to enhance CKGSB's image and awareness that CKGSB will conduct a "roundtable meeting" in Singapore on this coming 28th of Nov. At this god-given opportunity, CKGSB MBA program admissions manager and alumni will chat with you face-to-face. Those who are keen to attend this roundtable meeting please send your personal information to my email address as below stated. (Please provide your name, handphone number, and number of attendee) - The confirmation of time and venue I will send to your email box as soon as possible! tonychu_ckgsb[在] yahoo.com.sg Cheers, Tony Gentle Reminder!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-25 9:15:20编辑过] |