Tons of thanks. Williamd. Follow up:
5. 'Sure' means the difficulty of PP review, or PP 伴侣, is the same as that of real test. Am I right?
4. 'Some difference' means what? Grammar points? Difficulty? Or something else? I have finished all the structures of PP and prepare to have a look "新东方语法突破(CD)". How do you think about that? Having finished PP structures, I find that there are some differences in structure between TOEFL and GMAT, so I have to change some ideas in GMAT SC and review detail grammar points in TOEFL. Any suggestions?
6. No key. You mean that including Structure and RC, all subjects accord to the rules of CAT? So, as in GMAT, you should guarantee your first 5-10 subjects in the real TOEFL test?
Thanks a lot!
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