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[AWA模板] [原创]作文6分,分享模板和经验

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发表于 2006-10-15 10:39:00 | 只看该作者



_________? To some extent, I agree with the author’s general assertion that________.  However, the author unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while neglecting some other crucial factors which may greatly influence the issue. All in all, my points of agreement and contention with the author involve the fundamental/case-by-case analysis as discussed below.

On the one hand, I agree that this assertion, though suffering from some inevitable drawbacks, nourishes some merits in the light of common sense and experience in daily life. Accordingly, it is partially indisputable. After all, _______. Even if,__________. In other words_________. One could effortlessly imagine the scenario,­______

Moreover,___________. Take____ for example. All these evidence demonstrates beyond any doubt that_____.

On the other hand, realizing that a more rational and accurate judgment need to incorporate different aspects of the issue as adequately as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates ______’s comparative significance, and fail to take into account other essential factors. Firstly, the author overlooked_____________, that is to say,____________. Secondly, ________, which might has been noticed by people. Hence, I tend to concede that in some certain circumstances the practice that______ is partially inappropriate

In sum, seldom can other issues be more complicated than issue about__________. Consequently, judgment can only be drawn in a subjective way rather than in objective and definite way. And so different are the personal experiences, emotional concerns and personalities among people that thousand individuals might maintain thousand opinions. As to me,   ­­­­­­­­­­­_______



Based on various cited facts, the author concludes that______. Close scrutiny of each of the facts, however, reveals that none of them lend credible support to the conclusion. The reasoning of the argument is problematic in several aspects.


In conclusion, such logic flaws as (implicit casual relationship, tenuous assumption,doubtable survey,false analogy and hasty generalization)文中用到哪种错误就写哪种 make the argument invalid and unpersuasive. To solidify the conclusion, the author should provide concrete evidence as well as rule out other alternative situations. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.

一、implicit casual relationship


The author assumes that a____ cause b_____. The reasoning line is that because a___ happen before b    , the former caused the latter. But the reasoning is premature unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. Therefore, any decision aimed at addressing the problem must be based on more thorough investigation to gather sufficient data in order to narrow down and locate the actual cause of the problem.


Based on a correlation between……and……, the arguer concludes that the latter is attributable, at least partly, to the former. This observed phenomenon, actually, says little more than that these two events are synchronic to each other and that is all. That is to say, _____do not necessarily result from ____. In all likelihood……

       It is also entirely possible that……Another possibility is that____

        If any alternative explanation is the case, the conclusion would lack any merit of whatsoever.

二、错误类比:false analogy

Rested on the assumption that a     is similar to b_____in all aspects, the author conclude that____. Yet the problem is that the author fails to realize that situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction. a___ and b     , actually, bear numerous differences. For example________. Accordingly, b_____ is unlikely to experience the same consequence if it adopts a___'s strategies.

三、无理假设:tenuous assumption

the author rests on a dubious assumption that____. However, no further information and specifics are provided to bolster this assumption and to establish the correlation. As a matter of fact, it is quite likely that___. For example, imagine that___ .Therefore, without further exploring the correlations between a___ and b___, the argument cannot safely jump to the conclusion as it states.

四、急于概括hasty generalization

The author commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if …, it does not follow that…It is highly possible other factors may have contributed to …For instance,…. Besides, there is no guarantee that… Without ruling out these and other possible factors, the author cannot confidently conclude that…



There is no thorough cost-benefit analysis in the argument. If the increase of cost overweighs that of benefits…will fall in trouble of losing rather than gaining money. Also, the author neglects contingencies such as labor and material costs, legislative moves, competition, market changes, and the national or international cycle , all of which can lead to the dropping profit.


The author unfairly assumes that a reader must make a either-or choice. However, the argument fails to rule out the possibility that adjusting a___ and b___ might produce better results. Additionally, most effective solution might include a complex of other factors. For example_____. In any event, the author provides no justification for the mutually exclusive choice imposed on the reader.


The author unfairly assumes that b____ was determined solely by a___. While a___ is seemingly important factor in determining b____, it is hardly the only or even necessarily required element. This assumption overlooks other crucial criteria in determining b____--such as______. Without accounting for these potential factors, the author concludes too hastily that___ is the best way to achieve goals.


The author's solution rests on the assumption that a____ is sufficient to give birth to the desired goals. However, if it turns out that b_____ is due to a combination of factors, some of which remain unchanged in the future, such as _____, only a______ might have no impact on b____.

五、不明调查doubtable survey

The survey upon which the argument relies is too vague to warrant the argument. Firstly, secondly, thirdly

1.       样本选取

Samples for the survey are of little statistical reliability, because there is no reason to believe that the data drawn from ..... is representative of the entire……. If the subjects are only limited to a certain city or geographic region, the results of the survey will be unconvincing. So, without additional samples from diverse geographic locations, I cannot accept the author’s sweeping generalization about

2.       方法不对

 Information is lacking that how the survey is responded. Without such critical information, it is impossible to assess the validity/reliability of the survey’s results and let alone to make an informed recommendation.


(For example, if 200 employees were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion would be highly suspect.

Whether the respondents are forthright when answering the questions? The survey/poll’s responses must be truthful/accurate/credible. Otherwise, the information gained from the survey is tainted and unreliable.

If the survey is conducted by the manager, it will be unconvincing. Because the manager might have fabricated the reports so that____.

we are not informed whether responses are anonymous or even confidential. If not, then respondents might have provided what they believe their superiors would approve of, regardless of whether the responses were truthful.)

Therefore, any decision aimed at addressing the problem of   must be based on more thorough investigation to gather sufficient data in order to narrow down and locate the actual causes of the problem




最后,敲模板,总之是越熟越好,尽量不要有错字。我考gre时根本想不起来模板了。因为我只是大概背了背,怎么看自己的模板怎么做的全面,光顾陶醉了。上了考场就傻了。我给自己的要求只敲200多字的模板至多12分钟敲完,开始练不行,别着急,后来慢慢的就很快了,这样有足够的时间想for example的内容,而通常这部分内容越多越容易得高分,并且有模板字数的保证分怎么也不会太低。




发表于 2006-10-15 11:16:00 | 只看该作者
well done!
发表于 2006-10-15 18:07:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-18 22:02:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-19 17:44:00 | 只看该作者
Very practical! 谢谢分享!顶!
发表于 2006-10-19 21:11:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2006-10-21 16:35:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-22 11:31:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-22 22:26:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-10-24 00:12:00 | 只看该作者
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