以下是引用seaaa在2006-10-7 0:08:00的发言:University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) Individuals who have already earned an U.S. bachelor's degree in accounting, a MAcc or an equivalent degree from another institution, whether accredited or unaccredited, may or may not be eligible to apply. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) You cannot have more than 12.0 credit hours of prior accounting course work. If you exceed this limit, you are not eligible for admission. 这两所学校专门针对非会计专业的 LZ MM补充下-- ROSS 需考过中级会计(共有6科预修课程,5科必须在入学前补齐;还有1科可以之后补) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ross看来是针对会计专业的。文科生申请MSA是不是只有North Carolina呀太难了,还有别的选择吗?对本科纯文科的,读会计一般要多久呀?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-1 6:57:50编辑过] |