不同意possibly causing sea floor instability是修饰huge reservoirs of energy的,逻辑意思不通,应该是Gas hydrates cause sea floor instabliity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gas hydrates, chemical compounds of water and natural gas, are increasingly being studied for their potential to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and significant contributors to global warming.
A. to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and B. to be huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and even as C. as huge reservoirs of energy, possibly causing sea floor instability, and D. as huge reservoirs of energy, and the possible cause of sea floor instability, E. as huge reservoirs of energy, as possible causes of sea floor instability, and even as
possibly causing sea floor instability是修饰huge reservoirs of energy的,不是与其并列的。huge reservoirs of energy与未划线部分的significant contributors to global warming并列,所以这两部分的形式要一致。