四、代词&指代 (注:关于which和 that的总结放到了修饰里面) 1.When a number of words intervene between a pronoun and its referent,代词的指代错误经常就此产生. 此时一定要分析清划线处的代词到底指代的是谁(有时会离得非常远). (OG11, 5) 2.一个句子中, 代词先于主句主语出现, 应指代主句主语; 否则, 会出现指代不清的问题. OG11: 20B 3.代词的指代要注意单复数的问题. OG11: 43 (it) 4.一句话中相同的代词(形式可以不一)必须指代同一的事物 OG11: 50(it); 81(they; 理解句意的关键) ;111A; 137(it; 不然会使句子confusing)(强烈关注反例) 5.使用名词(往往是新名词)来替换代词是GMAC改正代词指代错误的推荐方法之一. OG11: 4(figure); 63(the animal); 65(the fruit) 6.在it ,that之前,分别有两个以上的单数名词,复数名词,错, 指代不清. OG11: 26D(其实it指代natural phenomena); 63A; 91A (强烈关注反例) 7. whose 既可以指代人,也可以指代物.OG11: 113(题干中); whose 只能指代它紧前面的名词(从句的平行结构例外) OG11: 78 8.one可以作为代词,用做动词或介词的宾语以避免重复 “a/an+名词”结构. E.g. There have been a lot of accidents in the fog. I read about one this morning. (one指代 an accident) OG11: 63BE; 89A; ones用来代前面出现的名词的复数 OG11: 31DE (注意: one和ones指代的事物只要前面提过即可,不需要数上一致.Longman: used to mean someone or something of a type that has already been mentioned or is known about.) 9.them 不可以指代作为介词宾语的名词OG11:102E (“Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her narratives and…”中them 不可以指代book illustrations) 10.them可以做动词的直接宾语;而these不可以 OG11:115 11.如果名词的所属关系会构成歧义,可添加代词来消除. OG11: 127(When its is inserted before long rubbery limbs, it becomes clear that the limbs belong to the sloth, not the trees.) 12. 使用who还是使用whom, 取决于其在从句中的成分, 与主句无关; 当作为从句中介词或动词的宾语时, 关系代词要用whom.OG11: 89; who只能指代人. OG11: 130 13. “A and B, who+单数动词” who既可以指代A, 也可以指代B.如果初衷是要修饰B, 则改为: “B, who+单数动词, and A” OG11:109C 14.that单独出现则一定是代词,指代前面出现过的对象 OG11: 14(注意这里的that 很有趣,与前面出现的一个that是并列的.) 15.those who is wordy. OG11: 37CE; 16. “what be…”结构中,be的单复数取决于be 后的部分 OG11: 59(what are now temperate areas) 17. that和it作代词时存在差异 OG11: 57D; 73E; 100(本题中两者均可.) 五、表达准确(not awkward) 1.有些词的位置不能随意变换,因为其修饰的对象发生了变化, 会改变句意; 此时应该先看原文是否正确, 如果没问题符合原文即可: 1)only 它必须紧挨着要限制的the word or a group of words; 重要的是判断出only 究竟应该修饰谁,它的合理的位置应该在哪里 如: OG11, 3 2)even 是adv., 应该放在它所修饰词的紧前面, 即the adverb even must come just before 它所修饰的词. OG11: 30 (even 在该题中修饰一个名词the strongest businesses) 3)now 是adv., 应该放在be动词之后 OG11: 59E; 实意动词之前 OG11: 71; 83(题干) 4) at once是adv. OG11: 76BC 5)first是adv., 应该放在be动词之后, 实意动词之前 OG11: 86AB(虽然OG没说first的位置问题,但显然这里修饰动词最好.) 石林提到的四个词是否可以变动位置的依据在于变动后修饰关系是否被改变, 句子还是否保持原意. 2. Un-adj. 与not adj. 的区别 Un-adj. is not wrong but not adj. puts greater emphasis on the negative.比如: OG11: 8 3.doing (OG说: it is often awkward)不用在物主代词, 尤其是所有格之后; 而应用其同意名词. OG11: 19 4.划线部分出现新名词要注意其使用是否正确: 如:OG11: 24AB中, describe items as a method 是错误的; 而且还要注意数的问题: the singular a method should not refer to the plural items. ;50E 中的the fact. 5.被understood的对象(即省略的部分)就必须原封不动前面出现过的形式,否则需要另外写出其正确的形式.OG11: 81(被understood的对象是sell) 6.选项中有时会出现换词或是去掉某个修饰词的情况,使得句意被改变 OG11:104E(nuclear 换成atomic); 105B(quickly被去) 7. “the n1. and n2. are sb1. and sb2.” (n1., n2.都是形容人的职务名词) 不好, 意思表达不清楚;解决办法是将名词形式变为动词谓语的形式.详见OG11:109 8. 有些细处, 要从意思上理解, 判断:OG11, 111“sense of vision”而非 “baby” could be “rated 20/500”; “an adult”而非 “vision” could be “deemed legally blind” 9.as if表示 “好象,似乎”,不能随便加 OG11:115C 六、比较&对比(石林的比较结构) 总原则:比较和对比均需要对称和平行. 平行体现在:1) 主被动前后要一致 OG11: 123C; 2) 位置非常讲究,要求精确 OG11, 130(Parallel structure involves not only how parallel elements are formed but also where they are placed in the sentence(即平行的元素应该在对称的位置上出现.): Here adverbs (once and now) should be placed first, followed by verbs (have died and live), and then by prepositional phrases (in childhood and into old age).3) 句子和短语不算平行 OG11: 123D 比较和对比结构中常用that 指代前面的单数名词; those 指代前面的复数名词.OG11: 10(those)并且二者均只能指代前面出现过的名词,且数上必须一致!如:OG11: 75(those 不能指代civilization,尽管意思上感觉没错; 这点不可疏忽) 比较的几个原则是: 一定要完整; 比较对象要具有可比性; 前后一样的地方(除谓语动词外)要省略. OG11:103(The phrase a heavier load of instruments than the space shuttle suggests a comparison between the load of instruments and the shuttle;应该写成: the jumbo rocket will be able to deliver a heavier load ... than the space shuttle can.)(注:can和be able to) 对比的几个原则是: 明确对比是Between 谁and 谁的; (这涉及到关于对象的选取问题, 选项中可能会有这方面的干扰, 如OG11,10是the United States 与 Japan对比还是 American unions 与 Japanese unions在对比? 结合句意, 又比较选项后可以确定选择后者是比较好的, 因为如果是前者, 对比的范围变的非常大, 就与句子要表达的意思不相符合了) 对比的对象要对等, 平行 (语法上& 逻辑上). 特殊的结构: OG11,10C ( in Japan 与 in the United States) 对比结构中, 完全一致的部分应当省略.如: OG11: 17中 S. + explains why most of the people exposed to the alleged causes do not commit crimes and, conversely, why so many of those not so exposed do. (蓝色的部分被省略, because they are understood.) 注意OG11,75DE(flourishing 不是谓语,did 和were都错!) 一) 用与比较的句型、词汇有: (一) x is more than y. OG11,2; 100(Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than that of the most impoverished countries of the world.或者也可以是: Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, which is lower than it is in the most impoverished countries of the world.注意这种with修饰的结构.) ;OG11, 123:Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.简化后的结构就是: Holland spends more x on y than the United States does on z.值得注意的是:(x) the percentage of gross national product is the point of comparison.(被省略) 注意:1)“自己”一定要被排除在外 OG11: 96; 2)than后面直接跟状语,错.OG11: 100A (强烈关注反例); (二) as many / much as的用法 OG11, 4 : A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as many as in 1977. 这题也可以这样写: A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, double the figure for 1977. (比较划线处的不同) OG11, 37: In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. ( OG说This sentence correctly compares the number of Americans killed in two battles.) OG11,76: Never before had taxpayers confronted as many changes at once as they confronted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (OG说This sentence compares changes before and after 1986.) OG11,85: Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do. (OG: This sentence intends to compare the costs necessary to maintain two kinds of roads)
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