我觉得可能是E 中存在歧异 E 可以有两种看法 XXX decision to (raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation )of possibly another increase on the way helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made XXX decision to raise borrowing rates) and (investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way) helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made 我还不敢肯定
XXX decision to raise borrowing rates) and (investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way) helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made 我还不敢肯定
-- by 会员 jane110 (2008/9/26 20:25:00)
不能这样理解吧, both A and B, AB要对称, 如果是Both 做 predeterminer 的话, 后面的 decision 应该用复数, 所以这里只能理解为 平行的情况 但是E的那个they 看的真让人不爽,不过是对啊, 因为 不能指investors,因为它在句子中不是起名词的作用而是作为所有格来用 不能是FederalReserve,同上 they只能指代复数, 所以只能是 decision and speculation
翻译过来就是 xxx的决定和xxx的期望都能帮助提振美元,因为他们使储蓄更有吸引力 (至于是不是这样,俺不知道, 俺不是学经济的,知道的可以教教俺) by doing应该翻译成 借由什么方式来达到某种目的吧 这样C就可以这么翻译
B项 Both the Federal Reserve’s decision that borrowing rates be raised and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made 难道decision that borrowing rates be rased 是省略should 吗 ? decision 也用虚拟语气吗??? 选B为什么??