以下是引用angy2007在2007-12-17 23:38:00的发言:有谁问过关于有美国Graduate degree in Engineering的话TOEFL可不可以免掉? 好象以前看见如果在美国工作过两年就可以免. 我打了电话, 接电话的那个说应当可以, 但她要跟Adcom确信一下, 让我跟 Katie Madison 联系. 后来Allison Jamison (Adcom)说我要考.Katie给我回信说要电话里跟我谈谈. 但我打电话给她留言却没有回音. R2的deadline就要近了, 真不想再去考T. 我N年前考过, 640. 不知道为什么在美国学习工作了几年后还要考呢? Duke真的不可以通融吗? Hey, Angy2007, TOEFL is negotiatable. I got my MS (though not in Engineering)in a US institution, and originally thought TOEFL should be waived. However, the adcom asked me for TOEFL. I then contacted the admissions office and have it waived. I think you may approach this problem by demostrating your English communication capability. During your conversation or email with the adcom, you can emphasize your experience, such as teaching experience, project involvement, that showed you would be able to handle the intensive b-school life, |