以下是引用RichardTian在2007-10-14 21:09:00的发言: 仔细看了几位Duke校友对各类问题的回答,各位申请者能有这么热心的校友帮助,真是一种幸运! 我有两个比较特殊的问题想请教一下,
1,为了申请比较TOP的学校,我于07年的7月辞去了工作,专心准备GMAT考试和申请工作; 请问,因辞职而产生的这几个月的work experience gap对于招生的人来说是可以接受的吗? 如果不能接受的话,我应该怎么弥补这个缺陷?现在看来为了这个原因,再找一家公司上半年的班似乎不太现实。
2,我在工作阶段,念了一个part time的硕士学位,但是各科成绩并不好,这个情况如何跟招生办公室的人交代?
Hi, Richard, Actually you are not alone in terms of your situation. There are many people who quitted job to work for application, although whether quit the job is always arguable here on CD, yet if you believe it would be good for you, just do it, admission officers understand the difficulty to apply while work, so take it easy. For the part time master degree, it would also be ok, and the GPA already became history, what you can do now is only to focus on stuff that you can change, such as essays, potential interviews, recommendation letters etc. Worry to much about history would not do any good to your future, action speaks! Good luck! |