以下是引用flower2在2006-8-13 17:37:00的发言:想请教一下楼主,duke的financial management(公司财务,不是IB,consulting那种)如何?强么?本人career goal是成为CFO,谢谢! DUKE的金融系概况: Duke's finance department is one of the best in the world. Since 2003, we are: - #6 overall among all finance departments (Business Week, 2004)
- #6 in citations per faculty among all finance departments (Robinson and Adler, 2003)
- Ranked #5 in publications per faculty among all finance departments (internal study, 2004)
- Averaging 1.5 teaching awards per year across Fuqua's four MBA programs
- Most publications among all finance departments in the Journal of Finance in 2004 (tied with NYU)
- Most program participants among all finance departments at the 2005 Western Finance Association meetings (total and per capita)
DUKE金融系有26名教授,牛人众多。 其中Douglas T. Breeden还兼职FUQUA的院长职务,并且在运作一个20 Billion美元的量子基金(Smith Breeden Association). DUKE Finance和UNC有corporate finance研究的合作计划;DUKE Finance还与DUKE法学院共建一个Global Capital Markets Center(http://www.law.duke.edu/globalmark/),每年得到众多顶级投行、基金资助和参与。
DUKE金融与MBA: Finance is one of the most popular fields of study among Fuqua students. This is due to the School’s world-class research faculty, who are committed to bringing the latest academic research into the classroom. The finance faculty rank in the top ten of all finance departments in the world in terms of the number of academic publications and editorial positions held at the top journals in the profession. More important, the finance faculty has won numerous teaching awards over the past five years, attesting to their ability to apply their research to real-world problems that are relevant to students and practitioners. The overall quality of the finance faculty is reflected in the fact that over 35% of Fuqua graduates accept jobs in finance-related positions. An equal number find jobs in consulting, which often involves financial analysis and strategy. The Finance curriculum includes over 20 electives that run the gambit of basic corporate finance to more specialized courses in derivatives, venture capital, emerging markets, asset allocation, venture capital, private equity, fixed income and mergers and acquisitions. Over 85% of the Fuqua students take the corporate finance elective. 2005-2006 MBA毕业职业的分布: Percent* Mean Median High Low Asset management 4% $91,200 $90,000 $110,000 $70,000 Equity research 2% $90,000 $95,000 $95,000 $70,000 Finance/accounting 10% $95,757 $95,000 $150,000 $70,000 Investment banking 12% $94,029 $95,000 $100,000 $72,000