以下是引用kinchan在2006-7-29 11:35:00的发言:这个两个工作对读书没有本质的差别。还是好好准备essay才是正理。 不管你怎么旁征博引,读书的根本原因不就是为了找个好工作吗(楼主是男生,所以不存在寻找如意郎君的理由)。怎么你倒变成了找工作为了读书,逻辑怪怪的。 Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." it is normal that in order to eat more corn, we plant a corn seed into the soil instead of eating it, although our ultimate goal is to eat corn. even if the corn seed is big enough for me to eat, I am just a little more ambitious. besides, I think most of us will agree that apart from physical satisfaction, people all need spiritual ones. and i am just a normal people. and I believe 2 years in a top MBA programme will elevate a person both in terms of commercial value and in terms of non-commercial ones. thanks for the question, I do enjoy this kind of discussion, as long as youdon't dislike it. |