以下是引用leonchan在2006-7-20 11:51:00的发言:对大陆申请人(没有国际工作经历)来说,如果mba毕业后就业问题能保证解决,那么可以去读一年MBA;如果需要在us找工作,那么肯定得依靠二年MBA的暑假internship的机会。 就是这么简单。 agree, the internship is really a good op for placement in US/EU. SO one-year program might not be a good choice for you, if you wanna stay overseas after graduation. The best one-year program is IMD, located in Switzerland. It has only 90 students each year, 10-month. IMD graduates have average 3+ job offers in 3-month after graduation, with average salary similar to Magic-7. But, bear in mind that there are only approx. 3 chinese each year in IMD. Students' average age is 31/32, 7 years w/e BTW, the one-year programs probably are not as cheap as many people think they are, if the opp-cost is not counted in.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-20 12:53:28编辑过] |